This bronze plaque is mounted on the exterior wall at the entrance to the Onslow County Courthouse. It honors the sacrifice of 81 soldiers who lost their lives in World War I and World War II. In the form of a tabernacle frame with simple classical details, the top ornament is a large bronze eagle perched on its outspread wings. Above the inscription, the plaque bears a bas-relief of the seal of the American Legion. The plaque is 24 x 42 inches. The date on the plaque is May 30, 1949, but the actual unveiling ceremony took place on Sunday, May 29, 1949.
Installation Date:
29 May 1949
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Burton-Cowell American Legion Post # 265
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
The plaque is located on the exterior wall of the Onslow County Courthouse building a few feet to the right of the front doors. The entrance to the courthouse faces south, and the building is located on the north side of Old Bridge Street at the intersection with Court Street in Jacksonville, NC.