The memorial to Pamlico County war dead is a granite stele on a double base. On top of the stele is a stars and stripes crest centered between two scrolls. Four bronze plaques on the stele list the names of war dead from World Wars One and Two, Korea and Vietnam. A fifth plaque on the upper base list Merchant Marine dead. Horizontally above the four stele plaques appear the words PAMLICO COUNTY and HONOR ROLL. The words WORLD WAR I and II run vertically and then the words KOREA and VIETNAM run horizontal at the monument's mid-point. The wording was formed in the stone by cutting away the background leaving bold, block lettering. When placed the monument was to World War One and Two war dead. At some point after 1972 the Korean, Vietnam and Merchant Marine plaques were added along with Korea and Vietnam being cut into the stone.
Installation Date:
01 Jan 1950
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Pamlico County Veterans Council
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The monument is located at the Pamlico County Courthouse, 202 Main Street in Bayboro, NC.