The Polk County Bicentennial Memorial is a tribute to veterans of American conflicts. The granite memorial is a stubby obelisk on a single base with the inscription and the American Legion logo incised on the west face. Inscription DEDICATED AS A / BICENTENNIAL TRIBUTE / TO THE MEN AND WOMEN / OF POLK COUNTY WHO / HAVE PERPETUATED TWO / HUNDRED YEARS OF / FREEDOM BY SERVING IN / THE ARMED SERVICES OF / THE UNITED STATES / DURING TIMES OF WAR AND / NATIONAL EMERGENCY. / POLK COUNTY MEMORIAL / POST 250 OF THE / AMERICAN LEGION / JULY 4, 1976
Installation Date:
04 Jul 1976
Organization Responsible for Installation:
American Legion Post #250
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The memorial is located directly in front of the Polk County Courthouse located at the intersection of E. Mills Street and Courthouse Square in Columbus, NC.