Spirit of the American Doughboy

Spirit of the American Doughboy
Rendered in pressed copper, this statue depicts the slightly larger than life image of the American Doughboy soldier in World War I in honor of the service and sacrifice of soldiers from Nash County. He stands atop a square tapered granite pedestal which itself rests on a square stone base. The soldier stands upright, in the process of taking a step, with his rifle with an attached bayonet in his left hand and his right arm raised holding a grenade. He is dressed in the combat attire of the common soldier of the period, wearing the classic, flat and wide-rimmed helmet. A bronze plaque anchored on the rough cut stone pedestal bears the inscription in raised lettering and a bas-relief image of the American eagle, with its wings outstretched and perched in the center of four crossed flag poles with draped American flags. Pedestal, on plaque: 1917 1918 / ERECTED / IN GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE / OF / NASH COUNTY BOYS / AS A LOVING TRIBUTE TO THE / SELF-SACRIFICING SPIRIT / THEY DISPLAYED IN / THEIR COUNTRY’S / SERVICE IN THE / WORLD WAR / FOR / LIBERTY JUSTICE PEACE / NOVEMBER 11, 1921

Installation Date:

11 Nov 1921

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Citizens of Nash County (included members of The American Legion)

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWI

Memorial Condition:





On the grounds of the Nash County Courthouse on North Washington Street, Nashville, NC