Rendered in pressed copper, this statue depicts the slightly larger than life image of the American Doughboy soldier in World War I in honor of the service and sacrifice of soldiers from Nash County. He stands atop a square tapered granite pedestal which itself rests on a square stone base. The soldier stands upright, in the process of taking a step, with his rifle with an attached bayonet in his left hand and his right arm raised holding a grenade. He is dressed in the combat attire of the common soldier of the period, wearing the classic, flat and wide-rimmed helmet. A bronze plaque anchored on the rough cut stone pedestal bears the inscription in raised lettering and a bas-relief image of the American eagle, with its wings outstretched and perched in the center of four crossed flag poles with draped American flags. Pedestal, on plaque: 1917 1918 / ERECTED / IN GRATEFUL REMEMBRANCE / OF / NASH COUNTY BOYS / AS A LOVING TRIBUTE TO THE / SELF-SACRIFICING SPIRIT / THEY DISPLAYED IN / THEIR COUNTRY’S / SERVICE IN THE / WORLD WAR / FOR / LIBERTY JUSTICE PEACE / NOVEMBER 11, 1921
Installation Date:
11 Nov 1921
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Citizens of Nash County (included members of The American Legion)
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
On the grounds of the Nash County Courthouse on North Washington Street, Nashville, NC