Memorial is located northwest of Tonkawa on Highways 77 and 66, 100 W. Grand Street. The memorial is made of three white granite vertical slabs set at an angle to each other. On the top of the center granite slab is etched an American eagle and crossed flags and the following words: "Dedicated to Honor All Veterans Who Served Their Country." Beneath the words are the seals of five branches of the military service. The left and right granite slabs list the name of soldiers who served in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam and Panama. On the back of the memorial in the center are the words "TAPS" and the following words: "Day is done, gone the sun, from the hills, from the skies, all is well, safely rest, God is nigh, go to sleep, peaceful sleep, may the soldier or sailor, God keep, on the land or the deep, safe in sleep, love good night, must thou go, when the day, and the night need thee, so all is well." On the left gray granite slab is the symbol for the American Legion and on the right side of the gray slab is the symbol for VFW.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Individuals, families, school children, businesses, First National Bank of Tonkawa, Farmers Exchange Bank, Tonkawa branch, Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, Odd Fellows Lodge, Tonkawa Historical Society, American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Panama
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
IOOF Cemetery War Memorial Northwest of Tonkawa on Highways 77 and 66. 100 W. Grand Street Tonkawa, Oklahoma