Bennett Memorial Chapel

Bennett Memorial Chapel
The chapel itself is a memorial to fallen military veterans affiliated with Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College/Oklahoma State University (OAMC/OSU). Inside the chapel are two commemorative tablets: a wall-mounted, rose-colored tablet dedicating the chapel to fallen OAMC/OSU veterans of all wars, and a bronze tablet honoring WWI OAMC servicemen killed during that war. The chapel is named after a former president of OAMC. The rose-colored tablet is mounted above a small shelf with a visitor’s registration book, and is inscribed: THIS MEMORIAL CHAPEL IS DEDICATED WITH PROFOUND RESPECT TO THE HONORED DEAD OF OKLAHOMA AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE IN ALL WARS AND TO THE GLORY OF THE FORMER GREAT PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE FROM 1928 TO 1951 – DR. HENRY GARLAND BENNETT AND HIS DEVOTED WIFE VERA - WHO ALSO HAVE LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES IN SERVICE TO AMERICA AND THE WORLD. MAY ALL WHO PRAY AND VISIT HERE BE INSPIRED AND STRENGTHENED BY SPIRITUAL COMMUNION WITH THESE MAJESTIC SPIRITS WHO HAVE PRECEDED US HERE AND INTO THE UNENDING LIFE BEYOND. The bronze tablet is mounted on the right wall immediately inside the main entrance to the chapel, and is inscribed: THIS TABLET IS DEDICATED TO THE HONORED MEMORY OF THE ALUMNI AND STUDENTS OF THE OKLAHOMA A AND M COLLEGE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN SERVICE 1917 - WORLD WAR - 1918 (Note: The tablet is further inscribed with the names of 29 veterans) PRESENTED BY THE CLASS OF 1919

Installation Date:

14 Dec 1957

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical College (OAMC)

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:




Stillwater, OK 74078. The chapel is located on the Oklahoma State University (OSU) campus adjacent to University Avenue and Hester Street.