Honor Park Logan County Veterans Monument

Honor Park Logan County Veterans Monument
On the northwest corner of W. Harrison Avenue and S. Second Street in downtown Guthrie is an area known as Honor Park. It contains two war memorials. One is a paved area with three granite monuments. The center one is entitled Logan County Veterans Monument and has an etched eagle with flags, and the seals of the Navy, Army and Air Force. Beneath that are the words: "This granite monument stands as a lasting tribute to our servicemen and women who helped keep our great American way of life." Beneath that are listed the Spanish American War, World War I and World War II. The monument on the left lists the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Civil War. The monument to the right lists Vietnam, Grenada, Panama and the Persian Gulf. This monument was placed by the in conjunction with the Pisces Garden Club. It was dedicated on Veterans Day, Nov 11, 2002 by American Legion LeBron Post No. 58. To the south of this monument is a black granite wall which shows "Honor Park" (facing the street), with the back side listing the names of those Logan County veterans who were killed in action. Next to this wall is a 12 ft. diameter concrete circle on which is mounted a pink granite circle approximately 30 inches in diameter with a black granite cube on top. Above this cube are four bronze rifles, bayonets down, with helmets placed at the top of each. The wording beneath this display reads: "Logan County Veterans Killed in Action / No greater love hath man than he who lays down his life for a friend." The seals of the Navy, Army and Air Force are etched on the granite cube. This monument with the rifles and helmets is one of only three in the state of Oklahoma, the others being in Newkirk and Ames. This monument was dedicated on Memorial Day, 2009. THE STORY OF HONOR PARK: In August 1991, the members of Pisces Garden Club decided to conduct a fund raiser for construction of a Logan County Veterans Memorial With permission from the City of Guthrie, a site was selected in Veterans Park, just across the street from Mineral Wells Park. On the first anniversary of Desert Storm. January 1992, a ground breaking ceremony was held in Veterans Park. The ceremony was attended by the Guthrie High School ROTC Honor Guard, City leaders, Officials from the American Legion, of Guthrie and Crescent. Veterans of Foreign Wars, Guthrie High School and Citizens of Logan County. A sign was installed showing a depiction of the monument at the site selected for the location of the monument The goal was to have the monument installed by Veterans Day 1992. The hope for donations died soon - and the brick sales started. The only worry now was if enough bricks could be sold to raise the funds for the monument At the end of September 1992, the project received a serious slap in the face. It was pointed out that the land comprising Veterans Park did not belong to the City of Guthrie and the owners would not allow the monument to be placed there. The monument was ready and waiting to be installed, but there was no place to put it. City officials told the Pisces Garden Club to pick and place in the city as long as the land was owned by the city. With the help of city staff and garden club members the comer of Harrison and Second Street was selected. Just like originally planned the Monument was installed and dedicated at 2 PM on Veterans Day, November 11. 1992. A sudden thunderstorm moved everyone inside the Blue Bell Saloon, who graciously offered their facility to get everyone out of the rain. After guest speakers Army chaplain, GHS ROTC Honor Guard, GHS Band, members of the 5th US Cavalry, veterans and citizens made themselves comfortable. The Dedication Ceremony was presented as planned. Our brave troopers from the 5th Cavalry stepped outside, in the pouring rain, to sound Taps. It was the first. and most likely the last time that the GHS Band played the National Anthem in a Saloon. It sounded great Everyone agreed that the Saloon was a fitting place to hold the ceremony as many old soldiers had, from time to time, spent several hours in one. After 10 months and raising $30,000 the members of the Pisces Garden Club finished their job and they have been very proud of it. In January 1993 the Honor Park Committee was formed, but it was not until November 1995 that things really started to happen. The old ugly wood fence came down, the land leveled and a new fence was installed, thanks to the Guthrie Public Works Department. Walk ways. benches, light fixtures. trees. and shrubs were installed. Paid for by the committee, with funds raised by selling bricks. The committee also decorated the monument for special occasions.

Installation Date:

11 Nov 1992

Organization Responsible for Installation:

American Legion LeBron Post No. 58 and Pisces Garden Club Guthrie, Oklahoma

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:





Northwest corner of W. Harrison Avenue and S. Second Street Guthrie, Oklahoma