Johnston County Veterans Memorial, Tishomingo, Oklahoma

Johnston County Veterans Memorial, Tishomingo, Oklahoma
Johnston County Veterans Memorial was dedicated in 1957. The beautiful gray granite slap features an American GI in combat dress at the top, followed by the following text: "They Sought No Glory But Their Country's Good" The five seals of the United State Armed Forces follows and then this text: "In Grateful Remembrance of The Brave Men and Women From Johnston County Who Served Their Country" On the bottom is the following text: Erected By American Legion Davis Moore Post No. 164 1957 The back of the monument is blank.

Organization Responsible for Installation:

American Legion Davis Moore Post 164, Tishomingo, Oklahoma

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWII
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Johnston County Courthouse 403 W Main St Tishomingo, OK Memorial stands near the southwest corner of the courthouse grounds.