Korean War Veterans Memorial Overpass

Korean War Veterans Memorial Overpass
The memorial overpass honors Oklahoma and American military veterans of the Korean War, which took place from 1950-1953. A total of some 1,789,000 U.S. personnel served in the theater of operations during the conflict. Some 36,574 military members lost their lives, including some 33,739 in battle, and an additional 103,284 were wounded. Some 7,800 American soldiers remain unaccounted for. Occasionally referred to as the “Forgotten War,” the cost in terms of human life, and national economic capital belies the title. The major ground-force unit from Oklahoma to serve was the 45th Infantry “Thunderbird” Division. The Division, a part of the Oklahoma National Guard, was called to active Federal service in 1950, in response to the North Korean invasion of South Korea. It was one of only two National Guard (NGUS) Divisions to be activated, and the only one to be committed as a divisional fighting force. The 45th was originally comprised of only Oklahoma National Guardsmen, but later in the war, replacement personnel from other states were infused. The unit served in Korea, as part of Eighth U.S. Army, during the period December, 1951 to January, 1953, including in the Yonchon-Chorwon area. It participated in 4 campaigns, saw 429 days in combat, engaged in battles at Old Baldy and Eerie Hill, and sustained 834 soldiers killed in action (KIA) and 3170 wounded in action (WIA). An Armistice Agreement was signed on July 29, 1953, and hostilities ceased. The war closed without a victor, and technically, has not yet ended due to the nature of the Armistice.

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT)

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Korea

Memorial Condition:



Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma 74145. On East 41st Street between Mingo Road on the east and Memorial Drive on the west. The overpass spans a major 8-lane roadway - U.S. Highway 64/Oklahoma State Highway SH 51/Broken Arrow Expressway – running southeast-northwest within the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma.