The Pittsburg County War Memorial Ring of Honor is on the grounds of the Southeast Expo Center west of McAlester, Oklahoma, and to the west of the primary expo building. Five gray slabs of granite draws your attention to the display sitting in a white circular concrete walkway. An American flag flies in the wind on a single flag pole. With the south entrance four benches circle a flagpole with the five granite slabs naming veterans and wars. The names of veterans from Pittsburg County are inscribed on the four gray granite slabs. The center slab of granite has an American eagle and a soldier. War Memorial inscription 'In Honor of Veterans Who Paid The Supreme Sacrifice'. The inscription on the central monument: 'THEY SOUGHT NO GLORY BUT THEIR COUNTRY'S GOOD"'. The entry marker inscription: WELCOME TO PITTSBURG COUNTY WAR MEMORIAL CIRCLE OF HONOR
Installation Date:
01 May 1994
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1098
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The Pittsburg County War Memorial Ring of Honor is on the grounds of the Southeast Expo Center west of McAlester, Oklahoma 4500 West Hwy 270 McAlester, OK 74501