The memorial includes a square plot of grassy lawn surrounded by a low rock wall, with two pillars marking an entry at the midpoint of each side. In the center is a stone pillar with a bronze commemorative shield mounted on top. Just outside the north entry are a lighted flagpole, and a curved stone wall with an American eagle statue perched atop, and looking outward. Two 75mm Field Gun barrels, Model 1897, pointed outward, are mounted on each of the pillars marking the north entry. On the wall of each pillar marking the entries is a medallion showing the insignia of the five services: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Also displayed is the Army National Guard Seal, and medallions for the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Grand Army of the Republic, and Confederate War Veterans. Medallions representing the periods of the Spanish-American War - Cuba, Philippine Islands, Puerto Rico, and World War I, World War II, Korea, and Vietnam are displayed as well. On the north face of the center stone pillar are 2 medallions – WWI & WWII; on the south face is 1 medallion – Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW); on the east face is 1 medallion – Spanish-American War; and on the west face are 2 medallions – Korea & Vietnam. Mounted on top of the pillar is a bronze commemorative shield inscribed: “IN MEMORY OF THE DEAD OF ALL WARS AND IN GRATITUDE TO ALL WHO SERVED THEIR COUNTRY.” On the outside face of the 2 north entry pillars, each mounting a Field Gun barrel, are 2 medallions – American Legion & VFW. On the inside face of the 2 south entry pillars are 2 medallions – USMC & USN. On the inside face of the 2 east entry pillars are 2 medallions – USA & USAF On the inside face of the 2 west entry pillars are 2 medallions – Army National Guard & USCG. The memorial site is an active focal point for veteran and patriotic ceremonies and celebrations in the city of Stillwater during the year. Veterans Service Organizations and Auxiliaries, veterans associations and organizations, Active and Reserve Component military organizations, and civic and community organizations all participate in events hosted by Fairlawn Cemetery.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Works Progress Administration (WPA), in 1938, for The Fairlawn Cemetery Association of Stillwater, Inc.
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Persian Gulf
- Panama
- Other
- Lebanon/Grenada
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
Stillwater, OK 74074. The cemetery is located at 1123 E. 6th Ave. The memorial is at the flagpole immediately north of the office building, located in the center of the grounds.