On December 7, 1999, a memorial to the USS Oklahoma was unveiled. It was dedicated to those sailors and marines killed on that ship during the attack on Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941. The USS Oklahoma Memorial is made up of two different colors of granite. A light gray granite surrounds the memorial and four large light gray granite are on the top. The bottom is red granite polished with name engraved. Etched image of the USS Oklahoma at the upper left area on the light gray granite. USS Oklahoma is red granite on top followed by BB37. May 2, 1917 – Dec 7-8, 1941 are in black on the light gray granite. These words “These heroes perished when the U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii” are on the light gray granite in black. USS Oklahoma Casualty List on the bottom of the memorial with Navy listed first followed by the U.S. Marine Corps.
Installation Date:
07 Dec 1999
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Oklahoma Veterans Memorial Committee
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
Oklahoma Veterans Memorial State Capitol Park Oklahoma City, OK 73105