Arnold Gold Star Monument

Arnold Gold Star Monument
Granite obelisk with the names of those from the city of Arnold, Pennsylvania who died in World War II. Among the names of those of George Leslie who was killed on December 7,1941 while serving in the US Army Air Force at Wheeler Field in Hawaii. Mr. Leslie was the first Pennsylvanian to die in World War II. Also, Eugene Jackson was killed in action in the town of Haguenau in the French province of Alsace. Mr. Jackson was the last member of Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division to perish in the war. Mr. Jackson's story was told in the book "Band of Brothers".

Installation Date:

30 May 1946

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Citizens of Arnold, PA

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWII

Memorial Condition:



Roosevelt Park Intersection of Constitution Boulevard and Drey Street Arnold, PA 15068 Note Roosevelt Park is surrounded by a locked chain link fence and is open to the public only for planned events. Arnold is a city located in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania