Cambria County Veterans Park

Cambria County Veterans Park
3-acre park in Ebensburg, Pa., the county seat of Cambria County. The center piece is a granite obelisk with a bronze statue of a Civil War sentry. Unlike many other monuments of this era, the statue is low enough in height to be easily seen. There are names of some 3,500 men of Cambria who served in the Union Army, as well as bronze plaques with the names of those who served in the Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican and Spanish conflicts. The park was rededicated in 2011 to honor all local residents of eras who served the nation, highlighted by the addition of flagpoles now flying the flags of the various armed forces.

Installation Date:

05 Sep 1915

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Civil War Veterans of Cambria County, Pennsylvania

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Other
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



200 block of North Center Street, Ebensburg, PA 15931 Ebensburg is a borough located in Cambria County, Pennsylvania.