On July 16, 1780 a company of Bedford County Militia under the command of Captain William Phillips were searching for invaders who had attacked and killed some settlers. The thirty-some men and their captain spent a rainy night in an abandoned cabin in the Woodcock Valley. When they arose the next morning, a body of them headed out to continue ranging through the forest. The twelve men that remained discovered they were surrounded by about sixty Seneca warriors and a number of British soldiers. The attackers were led by British Lieutenant John Dochstedder and a platoon of British soldiers. A battle ensued and after about an hour, the Senecas started firing arrows lit on fire onto the cabin's roof. With the building in flames all around them and their certain death, Captain Phillips surrendered. The British gave them assurances that they would not be harmed if they submitted to having their arms pinioned behind them. They were marched a half mile where, after Captain Phillips and his son were led over Tussey Mountain and on to captivity at Fort Niagara, the ten soldiers were tied to trees in a grove and shot numerous times with arrows and muskets.
Installation Date:
16 Jul 1926
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Fisher Summit Memorial Association
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
Liberty Township Bedford County Captain Phillips Monument Road Saxton, Pennsylvania (off Route 26)