It consists of a base of Ohio sand stone supporting four columns over which a canopy or roof , the whole being placed on a pediment of granite. Upon the architraves of the canopy are cut the Arms of the United States and the City of Philadelphia, and on the opposite sides scholastic emblems. Within the canopy stands a figure in Italian marble, by the sculptor, Mr. Joseph A. Bailey, representing a young soldier standing at rest. Erected A. D. 1869 to perpetuate the memory and record the service of the pupils of Girard College, who in the then recent contest for the preservation of the American Union, died that their country might live. "Fortunati omnes: Nulla dies unquam memori vos eximet." translates to "All the fortunate ones, shall never be erased". In 1912, the soldier boy's musket "fell to pieces" - the memorial was demolished in 1914, all that remains is the soldier boy standing "guard duty" in the dark, cryptic labyrinth of Founders Hall for 103 years.
Installation Date:
24 Nov 1869
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Girard College
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
Girard College Alumni Association 2101 S. College Avenue. Philadelphia PA 19121