Muir Veterans Memorial

Muir Veterans Memorial
The Muir Veterans Memorial is located at 4-way intersection at 101 West Wiconisco Street in the town of Muir, Pennsylvania in Schuylkill County. The 50'x30' plot is leased from the Muir Grace United Methodist Church. After much planning, volunteer work, and donations from veterans, individuals, and businesses, the Muir Veterans Memorial Committee held a dedication ceremony on May 18, 2013 to honor the eight Muir veterans who served in various wars and made the supreme sacrifice. Inscribed on the monument are the names of the deceased along with the names of the World War I, World War II, and Korean Wars. The monument is made of polished granite and steel gray stone with an American flag and the inscription "In Honor and Memory of all Muir veterans who proudly served their country". The polished granite stone represents a soldier's strength. It also represents the well trained soldier and the right angles symbolize troop formations. The steel gray color represents the bayonets, helmets, tanks and artillery. The gray color also represents the smoke from exploding artillery shells, the gray clouds of war, and the ashen face of death.

Installation Date:

28 May 2000

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Muir Vetrans Memorial Committee/Gary Reibsane Committee Chairman

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



101 West Wiconisco Street Muir, PA 17957 Located at the crossroads of Wiconisco Street and Keystone Street and is visible from all four corners.