Originally a New Deal era project, it has been extended over the years to now included four different monuments. The first monument was a granite obelisk honoring veterans from the American Revolution, Civil War, Spanish War & World War I. It was updated on May 30, 1990 to include Korea and Vietnam. The second monument is a World War II Honor Roll fabricated from stone bricks with a bronze plaque containing the names of those from California Borough, Pennsylvania who served in that war. Installed on May 30, 1946. The third monument was moved from its original location to Taylor Street Square in 1990. It is the East Pike Memorial, World War II. An honor roll themed memorial featuring the names of service personnel from the former East Pike Run Township. East Pike Run Township was annexed by California Borough prior to the adoption of the 1968 Pennsylvania Constitution which forbade municipal annexations without the consent of the municipality being annexed. The fourth and newest memorial is the C.A.S.D. Vietnam Veterans Honor Roll. Dedicated November 11, 2018, it is reflective black granite in a similar design to the Vietnam War Memorial Wall in Washington DC. It honors those from the California Area School District who served in Vietnam.
Installation Date:
30 May 1937
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Citizens of California, Pennsylvania
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Other
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
Intersection of Tailor & Fourth Streets California. PA 15419 40 Degrees 3’ 59’8” North 79 Degrees 53’ 29” West California is a Borough located in Washington County, Pennsylvania.