Lake Stevens War Veterans Memorial

Lake Stevens War Veterans Memorial
The Lake Stevens War Veterans Memorial has this inscription: "This memorial is dedicated to the memory of our brave young patriots of the Lake Stevens area who served with honor and gave their lives while in the armed forces of this great nation. May we never forget the sacrifice they made." The memorial was the vision of World War II and Korean War veteran Jack Sahlbom, U.S. Marine Corps. Jack served in combat in Korea, and was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He was moved by what he saw and vowed to remember all the service men and women who lost their lives while on active duty. In 2000, he rallied the then small community of Lake Stevens to participate in fund raisers, donation of materials and donation of labor. The Lions Club, Kiwanis, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Merchants, and many businesses and local individuals generously responded. The memorial was planned, funded, and dedicated in a year and a half on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, 2001.

Installation Date:

26 May 2001

Organization Responsible for Installation:

American Legion Commander Jack Sahlbom and the entire community of Lake Stevens

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Lake Stevens War Veterans Memorial 1808 124th Ave NE (Main Street) Lake Stevens, WA 98258 48° 0'51.49"N, 122° 3'51.90"W