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How likely is it that the United States will be in a new major military conflict within the year, and if so, where?

Extremely likely. The United States needs to step in now in Iraq and Syria to keep from losing the Middle East.
15% (166 votes)
Very likely. Russia’s takeover of Ukraine and imminent expansion to naval ports around the world must be stopped.
14% (158 votes)
Likely. The U.S.-Mexico border will not be stabilized without military intervention, including National Guard patrols.
30% (337 votes)
Maybe. North Korea is bound to make a disastrous mistake that will require a major U.S. military response.
6% (70 votes)
Unlikely. The United States has no choice but to draw back from world conflicts, due to the budget crisis.
27% (306 votes)
Other (Your comment here:)
7% (80 votes)
Total votes: 1117



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Unlikley with current POTUS. All fluff and hot air, and our enemies and allies alike know this.

Submitted by Whodathunkit : Jul 17, 2014 1:04pm

the next threat is likely to be the Muslim aggression. At least the Mexicans aren't shooting at us or trying to kill us. The Muslim terrorists have one aim and that is total domination of the "evil countries" which include Europe and the Americas. Agreed that the national guard should be sent to patrol the borders...

Submitted by eddie585a (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 3:14pm

Agree, POTUS will not get involved
under any condition.

Submitted by Les Farraow (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 3:52pm

Absolutely correct.

Submitted by ROTHNH (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 4:17pm

I agree current POTUS will not offer any action as he said from the start he thinks the U.S. has been a force for far too long. We can't police the world but we can lead--or should.

Submitted by WC (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 6:30pm

yea just aren't used to somebody actually thinking things out instead of immediately going to war like "5-deferment Dick Cheney" likes to do. Ask Bin Laden or his top 24-Lieutenants about the current POTUS being all fluff and hot air...oh yea that's right they are all dead!

Submitted by Realist (not verified) : Jul 18, 2014 11:00am

What you say about Bin Laden and others would be a standing military objective in my opinion, which is the only one I'm qualified to give:-) Whomever is the POTUS is irrelevant. Could you imagine years later it came to light that a high priority target could have been taken and, later learned, that the then President said "no." I think even Carter would have done it.

Submitted by waykno1 (not verified) : Jul 20, 2014 3:11pm

The POTUS is not through decimating our military.

Submitted by RRS (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 1:58pm

Before you point at POTUS as the instigator of military downsizing, review the actions of Donald Rumsfeld under the previous POTUS. He demanded downsizing "to make the military more efficient." Most of today's force reduction thinking comes from behind the walls of the Pentagon, where whiz kids are playing with drone toys and electronic war games. As long as we have large armies in Russia and China and North Korea which are unfriendly, we are wise to prepare for ground/air/sea conflicts. But the American public also has a say, and they are not pleased with the military/political/economic failures of Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam and the Gulf War. A lot of lives were lost and hospital beds filled due to serious military misjudgments. The Pentagon and the Congress have to get their ducks in a row before we regain the public trust. POTUS is not the only coach in this game.

Submitted by Richard Hofacker (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 7:00pm

There can only be one "Head Coach" on a winning team. This POTUS (as others) is granted the title Commander in "Chief". Every wrong decision is another persons fault. When will this "leader" (???) take responsibility for something and demonstrate some "leadership" qualities ?

Submitted by Perry McClendon (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 9:37pm

By the way RRS...our military is 5-times the size of the rest of the world's combined and Obama increased the budget...just not to the degree the Neo-Cons and their weapons manufacturer puppeteers wanted....get a clue!

Submitted by Realist (not verified) : Jul 18, 2014 11:14am

It is unlikely that POTUS would become entangled in a Middle Eastern War while we are still engaged in Afghanistan and are still trying to establish an insurgent free government in Iraq. I believe he would receive very heavy Islamic pressure to step back if he attempted any commitment without getting Israel pummeled. Russia is too big a dog in the fight after he has emasculated our military. The Navy is now below 280 ships, lower than the Carter-era and Russia is still flexing in Ukraine. We would be stupid and the U.S. population would not support it. Mexico - We have so many hispanics in all of the Services we could never take an active military role against Mexico without multiple fratricide and fragging incidents. Perhaps a greater show of force along the border, but where will POTUS go after he leaves the WH? I thought he was heading to Mexico to run for El Presidente? North Korea would instantly involve China and we would first lose our shorts economically when they ask for one single payment on the interest on their loans (we don't have enough money in the U.S. to make one single payment on interest to their loans). Next, China owns most of California, NYC, San Francisco, etc. and they would simply "move in" to the land they already own and are renting out. No, We are in a real mess, and no longer need any more "Hope and Change". We need a Leader with Vision to get our Nation back on the road of Democracy instead of Socialism. Go Bless America and All Our Forces!

Submitted by NAVCAPTRET (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 3:22pm

I agree whole heartily with NAVCAPTRET, without strong leadership the USA will be in deep trouble we need to rebuild our Armed Forces from this point on without interference from the political environment which now exists in our Country. Hopefully we will have the time to have this happen.

Submitted by DOCPAULNAVYCORPS (not verified) : Jul 21, 2014 3:32pm

Highly unlikely until the following year (2016) when political expediency will demand it. This will provide the cover needed to keep the WH in leftist hands since we almost never change party control during conflict.

Submitted by Lucky Dawg (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 3:49pm

A major military conflict in a year?? Egad!! Did you forget there's a presidential election coming???????

Submitted by Shipwreck (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 3:55pm

This weak "commander-in-chief" is incapable of making a decision relative to the effective use of the U.S. Military. If we find ourselves in a new major military conflict, it will likely be too little, too late and with the advantage in the aggressors court. Our Commander would do well to read and apply Sun Tzu's Art of War.

Submitted by Viper Driver (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 4:02pm

Our economy is in bad shape, the government needs to borrow more money so they can spend it to prop up the banks. Sounds crazy doesn't it? It is but if we go to war where is the money going to come from? The FED is already printing money and buying Treasuries. They don't want to continue so a war would give them a way out as they could get the war industry to borrow the money. Either way our government picks up the tab. This isn't a good option as it only postpones the fact that we have to pay it all back.

Submitted by dave48195 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 4:29pm

I doubt the USA will go into another war anytime soon. But we need to be PREPARED for it, not PREPARING for one.

Submitted by ctanglin66 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 4:53pm

In a twinkling of an eye (00:00999), (Symbolic * Panthera pardus ciscaucasica) Modern day Persia, will be as a great sea of molten glass... and there shall be as it were, an hr of silence/peace... upon the earth... then Holy destruction for those who do not call upon the Lamb, nor make peace with the Lion of Judah! Selah!

Oh... & just in case you thought it were so... there is no debating this!

Submitted by Elijah999 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 5:35pm

Possibly an internal conflict at home if the NSA, IRS, and Potus keep infringing on the rights of citizens and making up thier own rules.
I hope not.

Submitted by rwdave (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 6:00pm

There's one potential conflict that isn't on your list: an invasion by China of the island of Taiwan. That could quickly involve the Pacific fleet, then the US Air Force in Japan.

Submitted by Richard Hofacker (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 6:17pm

I could not agree on any one of the answers you had for your Question.However I believe that the influx of children from Mexico is A smoke screen,for The Terroist coming thru.And I believe that this country will be in so much turmoil with-in the next six(6) months or year that it will never be the way it was.BeWare of the little Children for with them comes A LION.

Submitted by Mancu 4/9 Inf. ... (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 6:40pm

I could not agree on any one of the answers you had for your Question.However I believe that the influx of children from Mexico is A smoke screen,for The Terroist coming thru.And I believe that this country will be in so much turmoil with-in the next six(6) months or year that it will never be the way it was.BeWare of the little Children for with them comes A LION.

Submitted by Mancu 4/9 Inf. ... (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 6:40pm

If there should be a new aggression, It would be the U S Siding with Israel. Almost the entire middle east wants to take out Israel,and where Israel goes, so goes the U S ! At least that's the way it should be, if Obama has any balls!!!

Submitted by R F (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 7:04pm

What the world needs now is Love sweet Love it seems to be so little of.remeber that WELL Piss on-it them days are over.Has anyone of you people had a bullet in your asse? if you had you might understand what war is all-about

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 7:48pm

Due to the current financial crisis,reducing the military and having a lame duck congress and POTUS, I thin it's time the government learns to shut up about any further aggression. Putin made a fool of Obama twice without real repercussions; Ovomit should be too embarrassed to open his mouth about anything until he's out of office. He'll be laughed at for decades!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Rick Bennison (not verified) : Jul 17, 2014 8:49pm

"Putin made a fool of Obama" really!... Syria has given up all their chemical weapons which has been verified by the entire world. Putin looks like the fool now that the Malaysian civilian plane was shot down by rebels backed by Putin. You guys just aren't used to a level headed leader who plays chess while Putin plays checkers runnin around with no shirt on. I guess you're not a real leader unless you go to war with people. Didn't you guys learn anything for Bush and Cheney

Submitted by Realist (not verified) : Jul 18, 2014 11:10am

The Americian people would not support another no win war. We, as a nation,can't afford to burn any more wealth on some nonsence that probably isn't any of our concern.Not to mention all the blood that even a "contained war" costs. By the way, what the hell is a contained war?? The possibilities for conflict are just about endless, just point in any direction and see the elephant coming at you.I don't care for our present POTUS but alot of the proposed cut backs/military reductions/cost savings started long before he took office.I will say I wish he had more experience with military matters and world politics and learned that when overseas to keep his mouth shut instead of offering billions of dollars he doesn't have, to people who hate us, and kind of makes himself look weak/maybe a little stupid/ on the world stage. None of our allies from the past can trust the US to live up to our obligations to them/for them. I do worry how the present "friends in DC" would react to an out right attack on Americian or one of our allies??? Don't see much to make me feel good about the future, both near and far.

Submitted by Old Grunt (not verified) : Jul 18, 2014 11:17am

Wow, who wrote the answers to select from, Dick Cheney? Maybe we have a President who will use diplomacy first and the military as a last resort the way it is supposed to be. Unlike the last guy, who for unknown reasons, lied us into a conflict killing 5000 American Service people, perhaps 100,000 Iraqis at the cost of 3 Trillion dollars! The last thing we need to do is fight a war for people who will not fight for themselves.

Submitted by J. Harper (not verified) : Jul 18, 2014 6:24pm


Submitted by landyson (not verified) : Jul 19, 2014 5:39pm

You know,Mr. Harper, you may have a point! Most of these have a bad habit of bringing out the nuts/the never happy bunch/ the "Well, you have never been there!!/ and so on. I've been there, seen that,done that,got the t-shirt, and still don't understand how full-grown men and women can get so fired up by things we are never going to change to any real degree. Later!!

Submitted by Old Vet (not verified) : Jul 22, 2014 11:08am

In light of the current political environment, the next conflict we face will be at home. We are going to be fighting for our way of life and freedom against an oppressive government that has promised more than it can deliver on the backs those that are still productive contributing members of our society. Our political "leaders" are bending over backwards to provide for those that are flooding into our country illegally in total disregard of the AMERICANS that need a helping hand and Veterans that are being ignored and abused after their sacrifices for this great nation. We are sending money to people who hate our guts. STOP IT!!! Take care of AMERICANS first!

Submitted by BBinOKC (not verified) : Jul 24, 2014 1:49pm