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What are you most fearful of?

ISIS orchestrating an attack on American soil.
48% (316 votes)
A mass casualty shooting in your community or where a loved one lives.
25% (162 votes)
Other. Answer in the comments section.
27% (178 votes)
Total votes: 656



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I'm most fearful of my X wife.

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 1:43pm

LOL... That's a good'un.. Thanks..

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:58am

I'm a God loving, gun totin' American veteran. I fear nothing.

Submitted by Robert R (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 1:53pm

questions one and two are one of the same

Submitted by Robert T (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 1:59pm


Submitted by MIKE S (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:04pm

Amen!!! Obama and others like him (Clinton).

Submitted by Bob B (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 9:40pm

My greatest fear is what Obama has and is doing to our country. I fear, not for myself, but for my granddaughter and others of her generation who are going to have to live in a country that my generation would not recognize. God help us all if Hillary gets elected.

Submitted by LaVerne "Lee" S... (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 6:43pm

Second I'm afraid the government will take away our right to defend ourselves.

Submitted by Ervin (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:05pm

Obama and another Democratic president

Submitted by Michael H (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:06pm

I fear the Government first, the President second, and the People who elected the gang of Democrats most of all.

Submitted by J. Johnson (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 9:22pm

Our own Government being out of control.

Submitted by B Lee (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:07pm

I'm worried about both...

Submitted by James McConnell (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:11pm


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:12pm

Our government

Submitted by Des (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:13pm

Our government, Obama and lord help us if idiots vote Hillary Clinton into office. Nothing otherwise because I always have my concealed carry on me and don't do business where I can't!

Submitted by David Williams (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:17pm

Having our rights taken away and becoming a prisoner in our own land in name of homeland security.

Submitted by D. Pellegrin (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:19pm

Democrates and Liberals!

Submitted by John T Bonacorda (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:23pm

Our own govt, I no longer trust it as far as I can throw the Capital Building itself, when our elected officials keep send hard earned money overseas to countries that would turn on us in a moment, rather than fully lend a hand to those in this country worked for it, and because of the lack of restraint in spending will cut the military, it shows our govt. is bound to repeat history and this time we will not be on the wining team this time. They are so blinded by their own selfishness they do not see what they are doing, to a once great nation. God Bless America, we need it.

Submitted by Charles Beitinger (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:24pm

I agree

Submitted by SPC 5 Vee (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:03pm

I agree with that

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 10:29pm

Amen to that brother !

Submitted by Elmer Ray Toller Jr. (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 3:02pm

I am most afraid of Hillary being elected president next year.

Submitted by Carl N. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:25pm

Me too!

Submitted by Rick45 (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 9:18pm

I don't like the word "fear". My greatest concern is the feckless leadership we have and their political correctness leading to our vulnerability.

Submitted by Richard Cooper (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:26pm

I am most fearful of a defense not built upon modern tactical weapons. The manufacture, maintenance, and willingness to utilize nuclear and chemical force is key to modern defense.

Submitted by Major Mac (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:29pm


Submitted by Richard Ferry (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:32pm

Obama, not my president

Submitted by Oldtimer1926 (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:38pm

I don't fear anything, but our traitorous and criminal government has me concerned for my kids and grandkids, what kind of country are they going to have

Submitted by Shawnp S. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:41pm

Obama, Clinton, judges legislating from the bench, Liberals/Progressives/Democrats, all of the ramifications of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act).

Submitted by BobC (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:42pm

Who setscthe price of a policy under Obama care? I will tell you the correct answer is your state's insurance commissioners set the price. The ACA merely sets the minimum benifits a policy must have to include free screenings and childres up to age 26. I am sick of hearing the ACA being blamed for the outrageous deductibles in some of the policies being allowed by these commissioners and the ACA beingvblamed it has no control over legally.

Submitted by Robert (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 5:04am


Submitted by Pablo Sr. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:42pm

Pablo Sr. If Trump scares you ,then you must be very satisfied with the past seven years of events within our country. You must also feel very safe under this administration under the leadership of our present "Commander in Chief "
My friend you must be very lonely in your cocoon, per the 99% of the other posts on this site..

Submitted by Jack C (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 1:02pm

The baited questions on this site cater to the right-wing conservatives. "What You FEAR" is not a legitimate national security question, what we should DO about ISIS would be. The Legion needs to stick to it's Four Pillars and it's own Constitution and leave partisan politics alone. Unless you truly want to retain and recruit only right-wing conservative members. If that is the case, then the Legion itself will inevitably die a slow death as a smaller and smaller group of angry, old, white men.

Submitted by David Dean (not verified) : Dec 18, 2015 12:23pm

A white guy or kid committing a mass casualty shooting in my community or where a loved one lives or works. White people have committed the most horrific atrocities in the history of this country. In the name of God or not they come to lie, kill, steal and destroy, just like the devil. And Trump what a whack-a-doodle.

Submitted by L. T. Daniels (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:46pm

Brown skinned people have done as much or more damage than white people. And in any city in this country, regardless if you are white or black, you are more likely to be shot by a black man.

Submitted by Linda Moore (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:00pm

Who imported the Brown people when they were all but finished exterminating the indigenous population, Linda? More than 80 percent of white shooting victims are shot by white people. You need to stop buying into Trump's racist lies. It reflects poorly upon you.

Submitted by Brad doesn't agree (not verified) : Dec 6, 2015 1:01am

You'd rather buy HiLIARy's lies and BS.
FYI According to the 2013 FBI Crime Report, that year the number of blacks killed by whites was at approximately 0.77 per 1,000,000 blacks, while the number of whites killed by blacks was at 9.83 per 1,000,000 whites.
I did not say I supported Trump. You are like the other liberal parrots in assuming that everyone who disagrees with you votes for or watches certain shows. Not smart. You also need to check your data before posting.

Submitted by Linda Moore (not verified) : Dec 6, 2015 5:50pm

A black guy or kid committing a mass casualty shooting in my community or where a loved one lives or works. Black people have committed the most horrific atrocities in the history of this country, mostly against other black people. In the name of God or not they come to lie, kill, steal and destroy, just like the devil. And Obommer what a whack-a doodle.

Submitted by William M. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:03pm

L.T Daniels you are a very sick person. If bull shi- was music you would be a brass band. Don. A

Submitted by Don A. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:11pm

Wow what a racist statement.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:48pm

What I most fear is the President never waking up to the reality that his current naïve, incompetent policy in dealing with Islamic terrorism, Iran, Russia and China is a failure, and therefore never taking the necessary actions necessary to address these problems. Most likely his ineffective "policies" relating to Islamic terrorism will continue until we have significant additional Islamic attacks on our soil, after which his only answer will be that it is Bush's fault and maintaining that the true answers to our problems are gun control and addressing climate change.

Submitted by Martin Schugam (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:46pm

An incompetent govt.

Submitted by Jim Stivers (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:53pm

Our unchecked Federal government which disregards the rights of the states and the people, and the rampant taxation without representation being applied to future generations by a people who want everything while paying nothing.

Submitted by Bud Jay (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 2:54pm

Barack Hussein Obama II and his cronies.

Submitted by LocoLance (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:08pm

What I fear most is Obama's!

Submitted by Rl (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:08pm

My homegrown fear stems from President Obama's failure to properly defend and protect our Nation and our citizens and our Congress allowing him to radically alter the Country. If the Congress would just use good sense, it would issue National Permits To carry a concealed firearm anyplace in the USA to all our trained veterans. The Country would have an immediate in-country back up for any terrorist attack and probably a ready made, trained defense mechanism for random terrorism. With about 22 million veterans, eliminating those unable to qualify for disability or age or mental illness etc. would still be a Patriot army of trained women and men willing to deny the enemy within from accomplishing their terrorist missions.They should be enlisted for such volunteer duty at the local
Police/ Sheriff/Marshal 's office by providing ID and a DD214 or other acceptable documentation.
Maybe next time an inside terrorist group hatches a plan without our Intel knowing, there may be 2 or 3, or more trained, armed veterans around to foil them.

Submitted by Paul Amato, for... (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:16pm

Nothing, let God sort it out.

Submitted by Clayfish (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:16pm

How can HE? We have thrown HIM out of our schools, our government and everywhere else.. I think HE gave up on us.. Can you blame HIM?

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:42am

Barack Obama.

Submitted by P. S. George (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:16pm

I am very fearful of the total lack of real representation of the PEOPLE in Washington and all political offices. America has been sold out to lobbyist and special interest. Attacks on the Constitution are daily by people who swore an oath to protect it.Judges ruling of laws that violate our land and freedom. America better wake up. Term limits are the beginning of decreasing the graft and corruption.

Submitted by Phillip Schrader (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:17pm

I am most fearful of two things: the continued perversion of the Constitution of the United States, and the Judeo-Christian ethical and moral underpinnings of our country.

Submitted by Robert I. Finkel MD (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:18pm

Oboma,for one,Liberal Left,A.C.L.U. And Brainwashed college graduates that have no clue how thier freedom of speech and the 2nd amendment were acquired. Also the silent majority whom are afraid to stand up and speak out on all issues.Politically correct don't cut it with me, I fought for our freedom as did all of you. As Vets. We have the right to say what we think.

Submitted by H. Shaw (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:21pm

Our country was founded with the citizens controlling the gov't. Now the gov't controls the people. Our government is our biggest problem and all the politicians who serve the gov't instead the people. I'm glad to see most vets are saying the same thing.

Submitted by Milton Robinson (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:27pm

Afraid our country is going to pot. We have lost our leadership role and respect of our allies.

Submitted by Al R. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:29pm

I am most fearful of the leadership of our Great Country! Does anyone ever remember history??? We allow our leaders to deliver us to potters field. Korean Vet and I took an oath to defend this country even unto death and that oath has NOT been revoked!!!

Submitted by James Gess Sr. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:31pm

A great man once said "The only thing you have to fear is fear itself". (From FDR's inaugural address but variations from other similar quotes)

Submitted by Sarge MO (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:31pm

our Government officials in Washington D.C.

Submitted by william jordan (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:32pm

That hillary rodham clinton might become the next POTUS. God Help us.

Submitted by Ray N. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:39pm

President Hillary Clinton

Submitted by Mark N. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:46pm


Submitted by MICHAEL SAWYER (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 3:52pm

The world losing respect for our military power.

Submitted by DAR (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:21pm

I am worried about the way our government and commander in chief are acting. I do fear that if a Democrat is elected President that our gun rights will be attacked like no other time in history. I fear the handouts that have been created by Democrats will sway to many voters to their party simply because they fear they will lose all their free stuff. Like it or not that is my opinion.

Submitted by David J Porcher (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:26pm

I think that one and two are very closely linked, but I truly fear another liberal president and leadership that will allow the influx of the people that would commit one and two.

Submitted by Bill L. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:35pm

Being told that I, or a family member, have serious health issues that are terminal and untreatable

Submitted by John Kowalchik Ohio (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:37pm

Bush opens Pandoras Box and now it's Obama's fault. There is no shame on the Right. Just the deaths and maiming of the U.S. Military and the looting of the U.S. Treasury.

Submitted by Jerry H. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:45pm

Home grown radical Christian terrorists, and anti-government whackos such as those who post such sentiments and spread lies that any thinking person should recognize as being untrue. They're anything but patriots.

Submitted by William M. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 4:52pm

William, I agree wholeheartedly with you. There are more hate groups since Obama was elected. Racism is NOT over. Also the Republican Party kowtowing to the minor Evangelical base instead of thinking about the entire nation as a whole. 2014 was NOT a mandate for Republicans - the small amount of voters that voted show that.

Submitted by Susan M (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:35pm

Most feared even is another Democrat in the Oval Office in 2017

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 5:04pm

I fear what Obama and the Liberals can do to our country before he leaves.

Submitted by Bill A (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 5:13pm

Having Hillary in the White House. She should be in prison.

Submitted by Phil b (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 5:22pm


Submitted by joe rhubright (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 5:30pm

I took an Oath in 1965 to Uphold and Defend The Constitution of The United States of America. and I take this Oath very serious, I Salute All You Veterans For doing so Yourselves. This Oath I Still Keep Very Close To My Heart. God Bless America, and God Bless All Veterans.

Submitted by Manchu 4/9 Infantry (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 5:48pm

AMEN !!!!!

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:28am

An out of control United States government. The same one that had a hand in creating ISIS, arming it, and training its leaders.

An out of control United States government. The same one that is bound and determined to disarm citizens and remove their ability to defend themselves against those who intend harm upon others.

Submitted by So.AZVet (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:00pm

This administration not taking the fight to them.

Submitted by Jack Knoblock (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:20pm

Politicians using shootings as an excuse to void the 2nd Amendment. I think one of the Founding Fathers stated "The people should not fear the Government but the Government should fear the people.". A few "good guys with guns" might cut our losses from "bad guys with guns" therefor I feel more comfortable if I and my wife are armed!!!!!!

Submitted by Bob Blankenfeld (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:28pm


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:28pm

I am most fearful of politicians in Congress ignoring the needs of most Americans, but especially the specter of world climate change. This will affect every American, and every person on Earth, for generations to come. If we don't do something relatively soon, ISIS and mass shootings will be the least of our worries.

Submitted by REWhawaii (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 6:38pm

the sorry-ass idiots in government in this country!

Submitted by kbomb (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:01pm

I'm most afraid of this stupid government we have which is capable of leading
us to total destruction, with it's stupid outlook on life.

Submitted by Jon H. Clayton (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:03pm

over reaching federal goverment

Submitted by R. Cleary (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:08pm

Humankind has always been extremely complicated since it began. All we are is a bunch of people living in a small planet surrounded by infinite blackness trying to figure out where we came from, why we're here, and if we can solve our problems. We argue about everything, and even Critical Thinking has it's limits. Biggest fear- Humankind turning on itself .....

Submitted by 0 (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:27pm

The current administration in the White House. They are the most destructive to our country and its citizens that I can remember.

Submitted by Bill Calligan (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 7:54pm

Trump, and his band of folks

Submitted by Just Me Again (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 9:01pm

Trump is the only Non-Puppet running in the 2017 elections. He is not beholding to special interest groups and the "Political Entrenched Machine" in Washington, DC fear him, as, if elected they will lose their power and control over " Politics as usual " with-in the beltway.

Submitted by Jack C (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 12:51pm

You only have to look at history, and IF he (Trump) did get into the White House he would be a Lame Duck, with no support from either party. Political Science is just another Oxymoron.

Submitted by Dutch M (not verified) : Dec 7, 2015 11:39pm

Most feared is our government and what they may do to destroy our constitution and America as we know it.

Submitted by Gary M (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 11:02pm

Fear? Every sane person experiences fear, it is what they choose to do to overcome it is what counts. Fear of the ISIS menace is real. How the President and the "progressives" choice to react to the threat is the problem.
People must be prepare to combat terrorism. ISIS and other terrorist hold political correctness in contempt. The also see the USA as WEAK because of it.

Submitted by Richard R. (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 11:36pm

Present government, liberals, Obama, Clinton and others just like them. I could go on and on. Also the first 2 answers also.

Submitted by Skeeter100 (not verified) : Dec 3, 2015 11:39pm

I fear God and dread nought. But I am sick to death of our Dear Rulers' and Enemedia-Pravda's lies, because their lies testify to their commitment to impose upon us our demographic displacement and dispossession - and to impose upon us their treacherous transformation of what used to be our republic into a brazen tyranny. FIGHT BACK WITH DONALD TRUMP! TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY!

Submitted by Jordynne Olivia Lobo (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 1:56am

Jordynne, you appear to be very intelligent and 100% correct. Donald Trump has no strings, no super packs, and special interest groups, to be accountable to and has been known for years to "get things done" and to "do what he says" Can Clinton say the same?

Submitted by Jack C (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 1:17pm

Obama and his Party

Submitted by Dennis W (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 8:09am

congress senate and all politician promises but no accomplishment. cut order to the Arm forces to finish all our enemies and let them finish the job Politician, Media
stay away and with GOD help it will be PAZ for the all word

Submitted by Miguel A. (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 9:08am

Obama and anyone in goverment who thinks like him.

Submitted by Larry G (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 10:05am

I don't trust our government as far as I could throw them,they're clueless or more than likely don't care about real hardworking AMERICANS,they're in it for themselves!!!!!!!X

Submitted by Leonard Gould (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 10:31am

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”

Submitted by Sgt Shat (USMC ... (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 10:42am

All Republicans

Submitted by Joe B (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 11:20am

Joe B,
Then you must fear all veterans too.

Submitted by Linda Moore (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 12:28pm

Obama and his minions, the idiot ash carter and all the other "America Last" zealots in this administration. Notice how they were so quick to label the shooter at planned parenthood a Christian, Gun-Loving, Anti-Abortionist Pro-Lifer . . . (which was NOT the case) but they STILL don't call the San Bernardino shooting OR the Fort Hood shooting Muslim Islamic Terrorism. Obama and his minions are the most dangerous threats to America!

Submitted by Gunny John USMC Ret (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 1:05pm

It is interesting that the latest shooter, Farook, describes himself as "a good Muslim", and "very liberal".

The media doesn't seem to have any response to that.

Submitted by Linda Moore (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 1:34pm

Our elected officials at all levels continuing to lead from the rear. They need to grow a pair, and lead, or get someone in office that will do what is right, no necessarily what is Politically Correct, or beneficial to some political party, but what is good for America.

Submitted by Scott (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 3:11pm

I'm most concerned about lessening of social security and medicare benefits.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 4:38pm

Matthew 14:27 "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Submitted by Bob Davis (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 4:52pm

Obama !!!

Submitted by MSgt. Cichy (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 7:14pm

Obama !!!

Submitted by MSgt. Gilbert C... (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 7:14pm

Obama is the biggest threat to our country in my lifetime. His cronies are just as bad. Big money bought them all into their positions. Hillary is the next biggest threat; God forbid she get elected. She belongs in prison along with Bill in 2016,and Obama belongs a cell next to them in 2017. It's shameful that between the three of them, world opinion of this country has got to beat an all time low.

Submitted by Rick B. (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 7:33pm


Submitted by DAVID FERRARA,... (not verified) : Dec 4, 2015 10:03pm

Do you mean " The Ayattola Obama?

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:15am

Being able to pay my bills.

Submitted by Jeff Brady (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 11:19am

The nullification of the Constitution. The Pres does not make laws or chose which ones he enforces. His job is to enforce the law and congress and the courts job is to see that he does it or remove him.

Submitted by Steve W (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 3:12pm

I`m afraid that by no longer teaching cursive writing in our education system, then the future leadership of our land will no longer be able to read " the writing on the wall " that already has a sad lack of fathoming by those in office now ! What good is education if it is no longer teaching the essential basics of language ? What if our current communications took a devastating hit where we needed the old one intact in order to communicate ? That is scary in and of itself !

Submitted by Elmer Ray Toller Jr. (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 6:34pm

I am tired of the national news ! I am tired of the right wing , left wing , liberals , religious organizations trying to tell me how to live my life ! The national news promotes gloom and doom and how Syrian refugees are promoting terror ! I am tired of being politically correct ! I respect all races and religious backgrounds no matter what country they came from ! I am a Vietnam era vet and I respect and honor my country and flag ! What do I fear ! Our country is in the hands of a dis-functional congress and questionable leadership both military and otherwise ! Police departments nationwide are hand tied due to political correctness ! This is not a "Government Of The People And For The People" . It's a government of the few ! I fear the United States has lost it's way and the current candidates from both parties leave a lot to be desired .

Submitted by William J Davis (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 6:58pm

Ab - Sooo - Lutely !!!

Submitted by Elmer Ray Toller Jr. (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 7:55pm

I totally agree! I'm a Nam vet I still love my country but not so much my government

Submitted by Jim Lutz (not verified) : Jan 7, 2016 4:42pm

Ditto for me..

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:11am

I fear the erosion of our Constitutional system more than anything else.

Submitted by Donald R. Ragsd... (not verified) : Dec 5, 2015 9:38pm

I agree. No teaching of US History about Citizenship, American Life. Lack of Governing in Washington, DC. (obama, kerry), Political Correctness (Numb Attitude about cities, states, working,( American Products). All that people need to live a great life, is there. Cell Phones and Socializing between people.

Submitted by Jack Dawes (not verified) : Dec 6, 2015 4:10pm

Obama is my greatest fear.

Submitted by Jim Raye (not verified) : Dec 8, 2015 11:09am

Through abuse of percieved powers such as the executive order, that the presidency has become what the Founders feared most, and our Constitution has become a guideline under loose interpretation rather than the rock on which this nation is built.

Submitted by RTrib (not verified) : Dec 9, 2015 7:43am

I fear that the media and politicians will use their self-serving hyped-up fear of "terrorism" to erode the American values of civil liberties, democracy and the Bill of Rights generally. As those (such as Trump) do so, ISIS actually gains in the war for hearts and minds around the world.

Submitted by David Dean (not verified) : Dec 9, 2015 9:31am

I fully agree. Obama is a real disappointment and his actions are not want the American people want. He is dangerous!

Submitted by Jim Clark (not verified) : Dec 9, 2015 10:50am

Very well worded! I agree.

Submitted by JeanieO (not verified) : Dec 9, 2015 2:23pm

Obama is a real disappointment to the American people he favors the Muslims too much. He is dangerous!

Submitted by Jim C (not verified) : Dec 9, 2015 10:54am

Putin, Trump and many of my fellow vets who spew hate for our President.

Submitted by Bronxzite (not verified) : Dec 20, 2015 7:27pm

Bronxzite's right. I fear most the white right-wing crazies getting guns and shooting innocents and accusing Obama of wanting to take away our guns. Idiots who get there views from the likes of Limbaugh and FOX.

Submitted by GBL (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 2:04am

Obama and his cronies.. Most Liberals..

Submitted by Ernie Spetter (not verified) : Jan 8, 2016 9:06am


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jan 21, 2016 4:47pm

When Trump is elected the American Legion will support his fascist ways with their means. This is unacceptable. my father and uncles fought to kill fascism and it's authoritarian form of government. Do Legionnaires not know their history? It would appear so. Trump is not an American Hero he is a mentally ill individual that says the kinds of things that anti Christian/Muslim/Jews love to hear.

Submitted by Marchingfool (not verified) : Aug 2, 2016 12:57pm

What threatens America most is the possible election of Trump as President -- way more important concern compared to anything else

Submitted by John W. Howard (not verified) : Aug 2, 2016 5:03pm