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What do you think of troops wearing masks with filter valves?

Absolutely not. They make breathing easier but increase the risk of spreading COVID.
35% (198 votes)
Troops have too much else to worry about to be concerned with tiny air droplets.
14% (79 votes)
The decision should be left up to the person wearing, or not wearing, the mask.
43% (247 votes)
Other. Answer in the comments section.
8% (48 votes)
Total votes: 572



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Mask wearing should be a requirement anytime individuals are in close proximity to others, indoors with others, or any poorly ventilated area. Masks with valves are not as safe as masks with no valves. They should follow all CDC & Prevention Guidelines.

Submitted by ajrwg.2000 : Oct 1, 2020 12:57pm

I'm sure the services have communicated specific instructions for our military. I'd opine that there are different requirements for all the varied conditions under which our service men and women must operate. IMO, for example, under combat conditions those men and women require the maximum amount of breathing capability, and could be hindered by wearing a mask. While in "social" situations, a mask should be required, and those with valves are NOT recommended at all as they don't give sufficient protection from the China virus.

Submitted by bpratt35 : Oct 1, 2020 5:15pm

If the mask has a valve, it is an exhalation valve and the makes it a little easier to exhale.

A “mask” With an exhalation valve does not filter the exhaled air. Therefore, if a person has the virus, and they use a “mask” with an exhalation valve, their exhaled breath or cough is not filtered and airborne droplets are the primary route of exposure.

But if we are going to get serious about preventing exposure, everyone should wear NIOSH-approved respirators instead of “masks.”

Submitted by westrum : Oct 1, 2020 6:32pm

A sick defense force would be would be
a more burden to our Nation than no
Defense force at all.

Submitted by Marvin25 : Oct 2, 2020 9:31am

The question is not specific. In my military experience, the only time a mask is worn, is when there is a nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.

The M-17 mask that I wore, and the masks available to military members today, perform(ed) well on the battlefield. Now, if the question is about masks for everyday use, my opinion is that masks are for sick people, who are demonstrating symptoms of illness. At NO TIME should a mask with an exhalation valve be worn, by anyone, related to the Chinese virus. Those masks have their place, but it is not related to present circumstances.

Submitted by oldfart269 : Oct 2, 2020 10:08am

Why would you ask this question of people who do not have any information ( except political views and we are not supposed to be political) on this question. Let me ask you this. Do the mast really work? That does not seem to be an easy question to answer. From what every source you use to get this info, you get conflicting information. As the general public and a good legionnaire we should follow orders and soldiers should not have the option to make up their on minds to ware a mask.
Some experts say they work and some say they do not. Have test be conducted to see if they work? This seems to have turned into a political issue and I do not think the legion should as it of our members.

Submitted by dicknkitty12 : Oct 4, 2020 9:49am

Why does the Legion NOT have an option for YES they should wear whatever the CDC recommends?

Submitted by SheilaLHolmes : Oct 5, 2020 6:34pm