The American Legion's Americanism Division, would like to extend an invitation to you to serve as a volunteer at the American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest Finals. Please be assured that while volunteer time is a commodity greatly appreciated and highly valued by our organization, we want to ensure your awareness that The American Legion National Headquarters will not provide any financial compensation for your time or travel expenses associated with your volunteer support of the 2024 American Legion National High School Oratorical Contest.
The American Legion has the utmost confidence in its volunteers and staff, however, any organization entrusted with the safety of youth must take measures to sustain participant safety and mitigate the organization's risk and liability. In accordance with Res. No. 32 titled "Risk Management Mandates for National Youth Programs" approved by the National Executive Committee, October 2020, the Risk Manager has identified judges, escorts, and holding room and assigned topic room monitors as contest positions requiring successful passage of a criminal history background check and sexual abuse awareness training prior to staffing the contest. These risk management mandates are conducted through an exclusive authorized provider and funded by the National Organization. Instructions and a link will be emailed out after the first of the new year.
This special event showcases 53 our country's best and brightest youth as they present their thoughts on one of our country's most important documents in our nation's history, the Constitution of the United States of America!
The contest will take place at Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan. Contests quarter-finals and semi-finals will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2024, with the finals to be held on Sunday, May 19, 2024.
The support of many volunteers is needed to conduct this wonderful event, which in 2024 will provided more than $203,500 in college scholarships to contest quarter-finalist, semi-finalist and finalist.
Contest registration opens on November 1, 2023