February 06, 2018

Legion Riders encouraged to add to memorial database

By The American Legion
  • Riders
Legion Riders encouraged to add to memorial database
Legion Riders encouraged to add to memorial database

Bob Sussan, chairman of The American Legion Riders Advisory Committee, is asking ALR members to contribute to the nearly 1,900 memorials already in the database.

As The American Legion moves closer to its 100th birthday, Legionnaire Bob Sussan is urging his fellow American Legion Riders to help add to the Legion’s ever-growing memorial database.

Sussan, chairman of the The American Legion Riders Advisory Committee, is asking for Riders across the country to contribute to the database, which has more than 1,860 memorials provided by 447 contributors from 54 states and countries.

“As we quickly approach our 100th anniversary celebration, we remember our founders and the following quote from the Preamble to our constitution – ‘To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars,’” said Sussan, who as chief road captain of The American Legion Legacy Run has made wreath-laying ceremonies at veterans and military memorials a regular stop in the ride. “To honor the sacrifice and service of so many, The American Legion started a memorial database.

“Now we need the Riders’ help. While they are out in the community, we would like to ask our Riders to please capture a photo of the memorials and then post it with a brief description. Help us to remember and never forget our heroes who gave so much for our freedom.”

Adding a memorial is easy. Click here and then follow the instructions. Submissions will be displayed after review.

To add a memorial, you need the following:

• A photo or photos (required), easily taken with a smart phone.

• Location of the memorial, mapped if possible.

• Purpose of the memorial, such as who it honors and why, in just a sentence or two.

• Date of the memorial’s installation and who originally installed it.

• A brief assessment of its condition today.

  • Riders