August 18, 2022

A year of incredible achievements

By SAL National Commander Michael Fox

SAL National Commander Michael Fox with a final message before the 50th SAL National Convention.

Dear Sons of The American Legion,

As we enter the final days of my year as your SAL national commander, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the achievements we’ve made, and thank you all for your membership and support of the Legion Family.

Membership. The SAL membership report from Aug. 11 showed that 18 detachments had surpassed the 105 percent membership goal. Thirty-seven detachments have reached the 100 percent membership goal for this year. The SAL stands at 360,618 members, which is 101.09 percent of our membership goal for 2022.

As we see our membership rolls increase in the wake of the pandemic, it’s a testament to all of you who got out there and spread the word on what the SAL can do for our veterans, military families and our communities. Thank you for renewing your own SAL membership; thank you to those who joined or rejoined the SAL; and may you continue to encourage those who are eligible for membership in the SAL to join our great organization.

Donations. The SAL continues to be the biggest supporter of the Child Welfare Foundation, and we surpassed $9 million in total donations to CWF this year. I look forward to seeing the SAL hit the $10 million mark in CWF donations, and beyond.

I also want to thank those of you who participated in the 100 Miles for Hope Challenge. It’s such a great way to improve your own fitness while supporting our disabled veterans and military families. I hope we’ll see even greater participation next year.

And as always, kudos to those of you who selflessly volunteer countless hours in VA centers and elsewhere to help our veterans. Thank you so much.

Flying Flags for Heroes. My commander’s project this year was Flying Flags for Heroes, aimed at placing 1 million flags on veterans’ graves in local cemeteries nationwide. We shattered that goal! At last count, we were at over 1.8 million flags placed. I am amazed and grateful for your support in this, and I hope this will continue so that no veteran’s grave goes without recognition.

This has been a year I will cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you all for your support and hospitality during my travels. I look forward to seeing you all in Milwaukee at our 50th National Convention, and welcoming in our new National Commander.


There is no limit to the amount of good we can do.

We are the Sons of The American Legion.


God bless our veterans.

God bless our military in harm’s way.

And God bless the United States of America.


Michael Fox

SAL National Commander

“Leadership through action, not through position”

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