February 27, 2023

Sons, Legion Family lay wreaths at Tomb of Unknown and memorials during Washington Conference

By The American Legion

About 150 members of the Legion Family paid tribute with the annual event.

An annual tradition in conjunction with The American Legion’s Washington Conference sees the Sons of The American Legion lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

On Sunday, as he laid the wreath, SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton was saying a prayer “for all our servicemen and women and the families that lost (loved ones).”

“Taking that minute to remember … all those that have passed, all those that are buried here in Arlington, it’s a great honor and privilege,” Carlton said.

Carlton and approximately 150 other members of the American Legion Family also laid wreaths at the Vietnam and World War II memorials at the National Mall.

Detachment of Michigan assistant sergeant of arms Seth Fisher placed a wreath at Michigan’s section of the World War II memorial with his father, Detachment Commander Victor Fisher. Seth Fisher said it meant a lot to do that.

“It’s generational,” Seth Fisher said. “I hope to do that in my future too so I can continue to support the vets from generation to generation.”

Martin Widmer of Squadron 262 in Audubon, N.J., said the day was “overwhelming.”

“There’s a lot of feelings, especially when you have relatives on those walls,” Widmer said.

  • Sons