May 16, 2023

Honor those who ensured our freedom this Memorial Day

By SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton
Honor those who ensured our freedom this Memorial Day
Honor those who ensured our freedom this Memorial Day

SAL members encouraged to share their Memorial Day activities on Legiontown.

Greetings, Sons of The American Legion,

We’ll soon be commemorating our veterans who paid the ultimate price and gave their lives for our freedom with Memorial Day activities across this great nation.

Since the Revolutionary War, more than one million men and women have given their last full measure of devotion for America. I trust that you all will take time over the Memorial Day weekend to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom.

The American Legion has created a suggested speech for use during Memorial Day events. I would encourage you to tailor those remarks to your own squadron or detachment event.

And please share recaps and photos of your Memorial Day celebrations at As Sons of The American Legion, we should be proud of all our efforts to support and honor our veterans and communities.

Likewise, if you’re participating in a Flying Flags for Heroes event over Memorial Day weekend, don’t forget to include those efforts on that website and include the information on the Consolidated Squadron Report (CSR).

Record membership within reach

I want to note our tremendous membership success. As of May 11, 16 detachments have reached their 100 percent membership goal. And the SAL as a whole was at 97.5 percent.

In 2019, the SAL hit an all-time high with 375,540 members. As of May 11, we have 358,585 members. Let’s set a new membership record!

As you know, since January 2nd, 2023, we have had the ability to renew online, and we have had over 2,200 people renew already.  This can be accomplished through your individual myLegion account or through the quick renewal page


Be the One!

With passion and purpose.

SAL National Commander Christopher Carlton



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