February 12, 2024

Celebrate Americanism and the American Legion Family

By SAL National Commander Don “JR” Hall
Celebrate Americanism and the American Legion Family
Celebrate Americanism and the American Legion Family

A reminder that February is Americanism Month, but it should be a focus year-round.

Hello again, American Legion Family,

February is Americanism month and time for all of us to get busy spreading the great works of our organizations in the Americanism pillar. We should all be taking time to celebrate being an American in our great country.

Let’s start with the basics. Americanism isn’t taught in the schools like it once was; we as members of the American Legion Family need to make sure that our youth know just what that flag stands for. We need to make sure they know the pride of being a patriot and caring about what our families have fought for. History cannot be left in the past; we must carry on the 100% Americanism banner. Let’s join together to lift our flag and celebrate Americanism together as a Legion family.

As the months are moving quickly, many programs are heading our way under Americanism. Oratorical, Junior Shooting, and Boys and Girls State all are great programs that are starting up and plans are being made for them. Find out what you can do to help these programs; there is a part we can all do. It is when you witness these programs take place that you realize our future is better than the news portrays. So many young men and women take part in these programs which lets us know we are doing the right thing by keeping these programs going strong. The American Legion Family has had so many success stories that have come from the youth who have taken part in our programs, so let us all be a part of more success stories of the future.

At the end of the month, many members of the American Legion Family will gather in Washington, D.C., to make sure that our voices are heard. I look forward to the opportunity to represent the Sons and lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and other memorials. I hope that I will see many of you there taking part in our meetings and learning from each other.

Representing our departments, detachments and our family as the American Legion Family makes our voice so much stronger. “Representing More Than Me” isn’t just my slogan; it truly is what we all are about.


“Representing More Than Me”

Don “JR” Hall

SAL National Commander

  • Sons