May 15, 2024

New video aims to help SAL membership grow

By The American Legion

The video, available for download, highlights the SAL’s history and the efforts of the Legion Family.

Sons of The American Legion member Matt Chastain is the voice of a new video which details the history of the SAL and highlights what SAL and the Legion Family do.

Chastain previously shared the story of how he joined the SAL and, along with former Detachment of Georgia commander George Gray, encouraged those eligible to join to do so.

The new video, available to download here, elaborates on the SAL’s history and what the SAL, American Legion Auxiliary and Legion Riders do to support the Legion itself.

The video also serves as a tool to help grow membership in the SAL and the Legion Family.

“As you talk to a potential member, it’s encouraged to provide information on the other aspects of the American Legion Family,” Chastain said. “It may make your membership efforts more successful.”


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