July 08, 2024

Let's finish strong as we head to convention

By SAL National Commander Don “JR” Hall
Let’s finish strong as we head to convention
Let’s finish strong as we head to convention

SAL National Commander Hall encourages push for bigger numbers prior to August’s national convention in New Orleans.

Legion Family, are you ready to celebrate?

As we roll into July and wrap up our Legion Family year, there are numbers out there that are worthy to celebrate. So I hope that everyone is preparing to do just that at National Convention in New Orleans.

Here is a number for you: 390,168 members of the Sons of The American Legion as of July 2! That all-time high is still growing and all of our squadrons across the country are the ones making it happen. I know that the number will be even higher when we get to New Orleans. But can we get to 400,000? I will say this; it would not surprise me. Many times this year I have said a bigger Legion Family is a stronger Legion Family. Comrades, we are getting stronger each day.

We will be celebrating this year all of the work of so many, so I encourage you to plan on being in New Orleans, and let’s have some Mardi Gras style fun. Bring some decorations into the Sons convention hall and decorate your detachment signs. We are trying to plan some fun that everyone can enjoy and we ask you to be a part of it all. We will of course celebrate hitting the $10 million mark for Child Welfare Foundation (CWF) and want every member there to be a part of it.

As I represent the Sons of The American Legion and my grandfather’s service, I can tell you that I was excited to take the office last year and I am still excited to be able to serve this great organization this year. My travels have taken me to see many wonderful works and there is more left to see, so I encourage everyone — don’t slow down. Let’s continue the roll into New Orleans and celebrate all the work that is happening to spread the word of “Be The One,” along with working all the great programs of the American Legion Family.

As Commander Seehafer says, together we “Save Lives and Change Lives.” Remember that and you will continue on. It is as easy as remembering your why — just think of who is your why for belonging. That keeps us grounded and working.

Keep on getting it done, keep being proud of being a Son!


“Representing More Than Me”

Don “JR” Hall

SAL National Commander


  • Sons