July 02, 2020

TALMA revving up training for members

By Walter Ivie, Chairman
TALMA revving up training for members
TALMA revving up training for members

TALMA conducted its first virtual training session.

Dear TALMA members,

Last week was historic for The American Legion Media Alliance as it conducted its first virtual training session for members. For years, probably decades, volunteers like you have pleaded for national to provide such training for communicators.

During the one-hour session, Department of Michigan Public Relations Director Mark Sutton and Department of Indiana Communications Director Josh Marshall provided real information on the topic of how to get your post's events in your local media. Participants also asked great questions which were answered in real time by Sutton and Marshall.

One of the attendees sent an email afterward, which I believe represents the consensus of the participants: "Thank you! Wonderful and informative!" But we’re not stopping there. Thanks to the successful debut of the virtual training session, we are planning to continue to these presentations monthly. (If you missed the first one, you can view the video in the members-only TALMA Facebook group.)

The next virtual training session will focus on best practices for social media — what to post and what not to post. It will be held Wednesday, July 29 at 7 p.m. Eastern via Zoom. If you have questions you would like to submit beforehand or suggested topics to be addressed, feel free to email them in advance at talma@legion.org.

During the session, participants will be able to type questions into the chat window. The session will feature panelists Sutton, Holly Lewis, adjutant of Post 557 in Wintersville, Ohio, and Dean Noechel, commander of the Department of Colorado. In the coming months, we plan to cover other topics such as an overview of using resources from national, shooting and editing video, interviewing and story writing tips, creating graphics for your social media platforms, and podcasting. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of The American Legion Family, our veterans, their families and communities throughout this great nation.