February 25, 2021

What to know about the virtual Washington Conference

By The American Legion
  • Washington Conference

American Legion Family members are encouraged to participate by advocating the Legion’s priorities, viewing the national commander’s testimony and virtually attending commission meetings.

This year’s American Legion Washington Conference will be virtual, due to safety concerns regarding the ongoing pandemic. However, the conference, which is from March 1 to 4, has a packed agenda and technology allows Legionnaires to participate from wherever they may be.

“I am proud to say that we will not let the pandemic affect our ability to impress upon Congress the urgent needs of our nation’s veterans, servicemembers and their families,” American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford wrote in a newsletter earlier this week about the conference.

Oxford will present The American Legion’s priorities to lawmakers at 10 a.m. Eastern Thursday, March 4. Tune in to legion.org to watch live or a replay.

While Oxford will communicate the organization’s key legislative priorities to Congress, he asked for assistance throughout the American Legion Family’s 3 million members. To support the advocacy efforts of American Legion Family members, a number of tools and resources have been created for use throughout this session of Congress. Visit legion.org/washingtonconference for guidance on how to engage your lawmakers, a new Hill Visit Toolkit for virtual meetings, the Know Before You Go presentation, the 2021 legislative agenda and more resources.

Additionally, this year’s Washington Conference commission meetings will be available for viewing via Zoom. You may also virtually attend a special joint panel coordinated by the National Security and Veterans Employment & Education commissions, the TBI-PTSD Suicide Prevention Committee meeting, and other meetings. The full schedule and links to register via Zoom can be found here.


  • Washington Conference