Your participation guide to the 2022 Washington Conference
Audience reactions as American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford testifies on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, March 11, 2020.

Your participation guide to the 2022 Washington Conference

The American Legion’s Washington Conference for 2022 will be held virtually. Commission and committee meetings will be held Saturday, March 5, and National Commander Paul E. Dillard will present testimony Tuesday, March 8. Legionnaires can participate in the virtual Washington Conference via Zoom and watch the commander’s testimony live. 

The following is your guide to participate in the virtual Washington Conference.

·  Meeting schedule. On Saturday, March 5, the following commission and committee meetings will be held. The schedule also is available here. All times are Eastern.

9 a.m.: Veterans Education & Employment Commission – register at this link to join virtually. 

10 a.m.: National Security Commission –  click this link to join virtually. 

10 a.m.: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Commission morning session –  register at this link to join virtually. 

noon: Legislative Commission – register at this link to join virtually. 

noon: Health Administration Committee –  register at this link to join virtually.  

noon: Veterans Benefits Committee –  register at this link to join virtually. 

noon: National Cemetery Committee –  register at this link to join virtually.

1 p.m.: TBI-PTSD Suicide Prevention Committee –  register at this link to join virtually. 

2 p.m.: Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Commission afternoon session –  register at this link to join virtually.

·  National commander testimony. On Tuesday, March 8 at 10 a.m. Eastern, National Commander Paul E. Dillard and several commission chairmen will be in Washington, D.C., to present The American Legion’s priorities to a joint session of the House and Senate Committees on Veterans’ Affairs. Watch this live here.

·  American Legion’s legislative priorities. See The American Legion’s legislative priorities for the second session of the 117th Congress that the national commander will present on.    

·  Know Before You Go. There are many ways that American Legion members can advance the organization’s legislative priorities. Watch the Know Before You Go video to help you learn key talking points to use when communicating with your senator or representative.   

·  Hill visit toolkit. Visit The American Legion’s Hill Visit Toolkit web page that’s dedicated to providing Legion Family members with current, easy-to-use tools for participating in grassroots advocacy. The page features steps to finding and contacting your representative to address the Legion’s legislative priorities.