Submitted by: Allen Cates

Category: Stories

Adventure, intrigue, danger, sacrifice and patriotism - words that fit Air America well, the U.S. government-owned Air America during the Cold War against the global menace of communism. From 1950 to 1975, Air America served alongside U.S. and allied intelligence agents and military personnel in the Far East, often in dangerous combat and combat support roles. Behind a shroud of strict secrecy, many Air America personnel were unaware that they were "shadow people" in counterinsurgency operations. Some 146 of them were killed in action in China, Korea, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and elsewhere. Though many of those Asian countries eventually fell to the communists, the contributions of Air America personnel to the cause of freedom remain unparalleled in aviation history. Air America personnel were the first Americans in China and Korea and, after the U.S. military had withdrawn from Vietnam, Air America pilots risked their lives to evacuate the last Americans and stranded Vietnamese who supported the war against communism.

About the author:

Allen spent almost eight years in Southeast Asia flying helicopters with the Marines and then Air America. Altogether, Allen flew a variety of airplanes and helicopters for two decades and has an even amount of flight time in both. For the last 40 years, Allen has worked in the oil and gas industry domiciled in South Louisiana with his wife Lucette, who has been with him 52 years. Allen continues to operate a small oil field-related custom manufacturing business in Lafayette. Allen published his first book, "Honor Denied," in 2011. The book was republished in 2022. He served on the Air America Association Board of Directors and has written numerous articles for the association. Allen is currently the association historian. Allen's military medals: Distinguished Flying Cross Air Medal (13) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal National Defense Medal Vietnam Service Medal Vietnam Campaign Medal Navy Citation Ribbon ​