Submitted by: Rusty Bell

Category: Poetry

On 9/11 our Nation Dialed 9-1-1

Our Country United as we were all one when our Nation dialed 9-1-1.
They had come for freedom, They came to invest,
they have come to America to raise their family work and do their best.
Yet bombs and terrorists have also come here,
they shower us with their evil and spread terrible fear.
During the conflict that had America in arms,
Hippies and flowers cluttered the Street as cries of love and peace died under their feet.
We were a Nation splitting apart, breaking every Veterans' heart.
Even as Fireman, Police, and Rescuers gave their lives we could hear the terrified cries.
Children lost parents, spouses lost mates,
Friends were in shock asking "why for Gods' sake."
Even as the foundations of American
Life shook, it didn't matter your race, your
Color, your sex or creed, when our Nation
Dialed 9-1-1 you answered the need.

About the author:

Rusty SA Bell: I was discharged from the Women's Army Corp in 1975. I joined the American Legion in 1986 at Post 69 in New Mexico. When I wrote this, I was at my desk in Blythe, Calif. When my mind and heart cannot wrap itself around a tragedy, I write. When my job transferred to Sonora, Calif., I transferred to Post 58 in Sonora, Calif.