Responsible citizenship: the center of Americanism youth programs video

The American Legion has created a video about its youth programs and the one common denominator they all have – responsible citizenship. The video also highlights why those who served in the U.S. military and continue their service through membership in The American Legion have a stake in the youth programs that develop future leaders.

The American Legion Youth Programs and Responsible Citizenship video can be shared or embedded from the Legion's YouTube channel, or downloaded from the Legion's Vimeo Channel for playing offline. American Legion departments and posts are encouraged to share this video with their youth program participants.

The youth programs discussed share how American Legion Boys State/Boys Nation has inspired future U.S. presidents; American Legion Baseball has cultivated Major League stars, Hall of Famers, World Series champions, coaches and educators; Oratorical Contest champions have pursued careers in law and media; Junior Shooting Sports tournament champions have gone on to win medals in the Olympics; and Youth Cadet Law Enforcement instills an understanding and respect for law enforcement professionals and their techniques.