March 13, 2019

SAL: Share your Snapshots of Service

By The American Legion
  • Sons
SAL: Share your Snapshots of Service
SAL: Share your Snapshots of Service

Sons of The American Legion squadrons encouraged to share their accomplishments in annual photo contest.

Sons of The American Legion squadrons are encouraged to enter the annual Snapshots of Service photo contest to promote the Sons’ programs.

Submitted photos must represent one of the Four Pillars: Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, or Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation. Members must be wearing SAL caps or apparel, and the photo must be in JPG or TIFF format.

Submission forms are available at

Squadrons and detachments are also encouraged to share what they’re doing through online platforms including Legiontown, the Sons’ Facebook page, and the Sons’ website.

  • Sons