March 03, 2020

Time to sign up for The American Legion Media Alliance

By The American Legion

To join TALMA, please go to

Dear media and communication supporters,

By now I hope you have received the news that The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) is being put into place and ready to serve you.

The task force from the Media and Communications Commission has been working quickly in order to make this happen. I have two important announcements today:

• First, we are ready to begin accepting members. And those who sign up now, will receive six months free — and the opportunity to enter the contests for both this year and next year. A $15 membership fee will ensure your membership through Aug. 31, 2021. To join TALMA, please go to

As I mentioned in my previous letter, membership benefits will include resources, tips and other materials to promote The American Legion, post events, programs and more. Members will also receive a press credential and lanyard, an electronic newsletter, training and free entry into the annual contest.

• Speaking of the contest that is the second major announcement. The first TALMA awards contest is open to all TALMA members. Submissions will be accepted that have a valid postmarked date of April 15 or earlier. (In future years, we will be moving the contest to a digital entry system. There was not time to put that in place this year in order to have a contest this year.)

For more information about the categories, please visit

To enter the contest, please mail your entries to Media and Communications Division, The American Legion, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46206

At Spring Meetings, the Media and Communications Commission will be judging the contest. Winners will be notified by June 1 and receive a free ticket to the annual banquet at National Convention as well as a beautiful and durable plaque.

I look forward to seeing all the great entries you have compiled this past entry period and am looking forward to your involvement in TALMA. Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.


Walter Ivie

Chairman, Media and Communications Commission