Affiliated Corporations and Trusts


  • The American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation
  • American Legion Child Well Being Foundation, Inc.


(Separate corporation, but reports through Finance Commission)


Up to 13 members to be selected by the NEC, three to be appointed each year and each to serve for a term of three years. Members need not be Legionnaires, though to this time all have been; this provision was evidently put in anticipating a future when The American Legion would cease to exist. Thirteen directors to be elected by the members of the corporation, three to be appointed each year and each to serve for a term of three years. The directors need not be members either of the Legion or the corporation, a provision intended to meet conditions which may arise when members of the Legion are too old to fulfill duties of this kind. The officers consist of a president, a vice president, a secretary and treasurer, elected by the board of directors. The first two shall be members of the board; the others may or may not be.


  • To act as trustee of the American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation for rehabilitation and child welfare;
  • To receive in trust from The American Legion or a donor to the fund the net proceeds of all funds, moneys or property given, paid, devised or bequeathed to or otherwise acquired by the fund;
  • To hold in trust the property of the fund;
  • To supervise the custody of said fund and the investment and reinvestment of the principle of said fund;
  • To supervise the expenditure of the income of said fund to the end that the income shall be expended solely for the purposes designated, that is, rehabilitation and child welfare, etc.

View the 2023 American Legion Veterans & Children Foundation Report.



(Separate corporation, but reports through Finance Commission)


Nine members who may also serve as directors. Starting with 1954 NEC meeting, as directors, upon recommendation of the national commander, these are selected by the NEC as follows: three shall serve one year, three shall serve two years, and three shall serve three years. Thereafter, three shall be selected annually to serve for a period of three years. The board of directors is composed of nine directors, to be elected by the annual meeting of the members. Three shall be elected each year, following the initial staggering of three for one year, three for two years, and three for three years. Each director must be a citizen of the United States.


  • To receive by gift, devise, bequest or otherwise, and money or property in trust;
  • To use and expend the principal and/or income of said trust or any part thereof for the benefit of children and youth of the United States, its territories and possessions, and/or other children whom the foundation shall select or determine;
  • To make said payments or expenditures upon such conditions and limitations as the foundation shall determine;
  • To contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children and youth;
  • To add to progress in the child welfare field and the sum total of man’s knowledge of children and youth through research, studies, surveys, projects or in other ways, including but not limited to all youth activities now or hereafter sponsored by The American Legion.
  • Expenditures from said trust, either principal and/or income, may be made, but are not limited, to the national organization of The American Legion, to finance or help finance programs, studies and activities of benefit to children and youth; to departments or posts of The American Legion and organizations affiliated with The American Legion for the same purposes; and to other organizations and agencies for the purpose of financing in whole or in part research, programs and activities of benefit to children or which will further the purposes stated herein.

View the 2023 Child Welfare Foundation Report.
