Once again, the upcoming American Legion Baseball World Series games will be streamed live via the Legion's Web site.
For many American Legion Baseball fans, a perfect summer day is spent sitting in the stands, watching a Legion World Series game. Those who are unable to attend the upcoming World Series in Spokane, Wash., Aug. 13-17, can enjoy the next best thing: watching the games online, as they’re played.
All 14 World Series games taking place this year at Avista Stadium will be available for live viewing on the Legion's Web site. Fans tuning in will hear play-by-play announcements from all-time leader in home runs, Jeff Kent, as well as longtime Legion baseball supporter, Jim Darby.
Last year's World Series in Fargo, N.D., marked the Legion's first-ever live streaming of games, and all expectations were exceeded. More than 42,000 visitors from 15 countries visited the site, watching a total of 2.4 million minutes of play throughout the four-day tournament to see who would claim the championship title.
In the meantime, see the excitement that awaits in less than two months by watching the 2009 Legion World Series. To do so, visit www.legion.org/legiontv and click on "Baseball."
- Baseball