Share your Legion Baseball memories; stay tuned for stories, special projects and more as we celebrate 100 years of American Legion Baseball.
American Legion Baseball will celebrate its centennial this year, in a variety of ways.
We’re looking for your Legion Baseball memories — memories like those shared by Donald Kimsey, who notes that Legion Baseball runs in the family. Or Charles Kurfees’ share of the Charlotte Observer’s coverage of the 1989 North Carolina state championship series.
You can share your memories of American Legion Baseball at Legiontown.org. Click on “Share Your Story” and choose the “Baseball” category. We’ll share select stories throughout the year; please include as much detail and photos as you can.
We’re also starting a series of stories on each state’s Legion Baseball history. Ever wonder how many Baseball Hall of Famers from each state played Legion Baseball? You’ll find that out and more. Spoiler: at least one Hall of Famer played Legion Baseball in two states. We’re rolling those stories out in alphabetical order; Alabama is coming up first and Alaska is on deck.
And we have a centennial toolkit available for department baseball chairmen and post leaders.
We’re also working on special merchandise to commemorate the centennial, as well as a bookazine chronicling the 100-year history of American Legion Baseball. Stay tuned to Legion.org/baseball for more details on those projects and more.
You can also stay up to date with American Legion Baseball on Facebook and X/Twitter. Use the hashtag #LegionBaseball100 across social media to see and share what’s happening.
- Baseball