November 25, 2019

A time of special gratitude

By Bill Oxford, National Commander
A time of special gratitude
A time of special gratitude

There are many other ways to spread cheer and goodwill at this time of the year.

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

This is a wonderful time of the year for making special memories with family members, friends and other loved ones with whom we celebrate the holidays. It’s a time to count our blessings, give to others and express our gratitude.

I am thankful for you — the volunteers who make our veterans service organization the largest, strongest and most influential in the nation. We are truly blessed to have selfless volunteers who serve their communities day in and day out.

Just this past weekend, American Legion Family members from the Department of Kansas teamed up to deliver Thanksgiving meals — turkey and all the sides — to families at Fort Riley. It’s a gesture that warms hearts and fills bellies of the families who have a parent deployed or recovering at Fort Riley.

It’s just one of hundreds of example of American Legion posts bringing holiday cheer to families in their communities, now through the Christmas holiday. Share what your post is doing on our Legiontown website.

There are many other ways to spread cheer and goodwill at this time of the year. I hope that you consider:

• Using AmazonSmiles to benefit The American Legion when you make purchases through the online service. When you sign on to AmazonSmiles using your Amazon account, simply choose The American Legion as your charity of choice. Then Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to The American Legion — at no cost to you.

• Purchasing a collector’s item, The American Legion centennial coins, for yourself or a loved one. Once 2019 turns into 2020, these centennial keepsakes will no longer be available.

• Making a year-end donation to one of The American Legion’s vital programs that support veterans, military families in need, children and youth, and more.

All of these opportunities help fund American Legion programs for the coming year and beyond. You have my gratitude for all that you do for The American Legion today, throughout the holiday season and into the new year.

  • Commander