January 20, 2021

Join me: Be a part of The American Legion's online improvements

By James W. "Bill" Oxford, National Commander
Join me: Be a part of The American Legion’s online improvements
Join me: Be a part of The American Legion’s online improvements

Your five easy steps to re-register for access to the Legion's new single sign-on for its websites.

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

I hope you have heard the exciting news that The American Legion has moved to a single sign-on for its collection of websites. This is great news for American Legion members and non-members since they will need to only have one username and password when they visit American Legion national (not department) websites.

This will mean easier access to American Legion related websites including Legion.org, MyLegion.org, Legiontown.org, Centennial.legion.org, Burnpit.us and Baseball.legion.org.

At this time, this does not apply to registered users of the Emblem Sales website.

The single sign-on is the first step of many changes that are coming to improve user access and experience with MyLegion.org and Legion.org, that will build a foundation for the future for The American Legion. I’m very excited to be a part of this, and I hope you are too.

In order to enjoy the benefit of this new single sign-on, current registered users of the aforementioned American Legion websites need to take a moment to re-register. The reason for the re-registration is that American Legion National Headquarters moved from a vendor proprietary system that required us to renew accounts for all American Legion web properties, and the new platform requires each user to have a unique email address as the username. Please note that all member information is still within MyLegion, securely and safely housed.

Here are the five steps to set up your single sign-on account:

1. Click “Sign In” on an American Legion national website property. You will be taken to our SSO site at sso.legion.org.

2. Click “Register as a new user.” Fill in the form using your best contact email address and member ID (if applicable).

3. Enter and confirm your desired password.

4. Click “Finish” to receive your confirmation email.

5. In the confirmation email, click the link to confirm your account. The provided email will be from sso@legion.org.

It is important that you confirm the sent confirmation email from sso@legion.org. Please check your junk email folder if you don’t see this email in your inbox. This step finalizes your account for single sign-on access.

As American Legion national website users re-register, there have been questions about the process. If you have questions, please see our most frequently asked questions to help you with the re-registration process.

I mentioned previously that this single sign-on is the initial step in many that will allow The American Legion to provide a streamlined and better user experience within its web environment. So thank you for your patience as we navigate this process. Our focus is you, making your time on American Legion national websites valuable, resourceful and easy to navigate.

For God and Country,

Bill Oxford

  • Commander