July 06, 2021

July news: Membership Workshop, convention needs, Legacy Run

By The American Legion

The 2021 National Membership Workshop will be virtual. Register for the Legacy Run and see the route, planned stops.

Membership Workshop

The 2021 American Legion National Membership Workshop will be virtual the last week of July. The workshop will be conducted through Microsoft Teams. An agenda and link to join the workshop will be available soon at legion.org/training/membership.

Due: assistant sergeants-at-arms recommendations

Department adjutants need to email recommendations for national convention assistant sergeants-at-arms by Friday, July 30, to James Baca, executive director of National Headquarters in Indianapolis, at pjackson@legion.org. In your email, include the mailing address of each recommendation since a letter of appointment will be sent.  

Legacy Run

The 2021 Legacy Run registration is live at www.legion.org/riders/registration. The route is available to view at  www.legion.org/riders/legacy run. And Riders can book their hotels for the Legacy Run. Find a listing of hotels for the five overnight stops, and their distance from each stop’s rally point at  www.legion.org/documents/pdf/2021_Legacy_Run_Hotels.pdf. 

The Run leaves Rogers, Ark., on Aug. 22, and finishes Aug. 26, in Scottsdale, Ariz. 

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