The National Emergency Fund is available for American Legion and Sons of the American Legion members, as well as Legion posts, who have been impacted by natural disasters.
Between wildfires in California, Hurricane Dorian impacting the Carolinas and Florida, and flooding in several states such as Oklahoma, Nebraska and Missouri, The American Legion's National Emergency Fund (NEF) provided nearly $90,000 in grants in 2019. Of those grants, more than $20,000 helped American Legion posts keep their doors open to continue being a staple in the community.
The National Emergency Fund (NEF) is available for American Legion and Sons of the American Legion members, as well as Legion posts, who have been impacted by natural disasters. The NEF provides up to $3,000 for Legion and SAL members with an active membership who have been displaced due to damages to their primary residence, and up to $10,000 for posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community are impacted.
To learn more about NEF and how to apply for a grant, please visit www.legion.org/emergency.
NEF grants are made possible through donations to the fund at www.legion.org/donate.
- Emergency