For the fourth year, the members of the K5TAL ham radio club will put the national commander on the air during their Wednesday net.
For the last 10 years, the national commander of The American Legion has visited Gautier-Vancleve Post 1992 in Gautier, Miss. That tradition will continue when National Commander Bill Oxford makes his visit on Feb. 26.
And, for the fourth year, the members of the K5TAL ham radio club will take the opportunity to put the national commander on the air during their Wednesday net. The net is conducted at 0030z (7:30 ET) every week and can be found at 3.862 mhz. It can also be heard on any one of the WebSDR.com listings, or at N4DKD.com by entering the 3.862 frequency, clicking on the LSB button, and if you use IOS clicking on that box to enable the sound.
Those who listen to Oxford during his appearance can send an email to wv5q@arrl.net to be sent a QSL certificate.
Read more about Oxford's visit here and here.
- Ham Radio