New public relations campaign designed to be implemented at post level.
The Public Relations Division at National Headquarters has put together a new campaign, specifically designed to be seeded by local posts and individual Legionnaires.
"A Powerful Force for Our Nation" consists of several professionally made, high-quality TV spots/public-service announcements and print ads touting the Legion's Four Pillars - Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth - and the work toward those ends that the Legion does every day. Designed with the younger veteran in mind, it features Ryan Gonzales, a Legion College graduate from the Department of Florida, as well as several others.
Although all materials feature the National Headquarters Web site as a contact point, the TV spots provide space that can be customized with a post's own contact information. They are packaged on a DVD, which comes with a booklet describing all the places a post can arrange to have the spots run - from local cable TV systems to movie theaters - as well as how to go about doing so. These spots can also be run on a laptop computer at a community festival, or anywhere else potential members are gathered. As the booklet says, "any medium that offers an audience is a potential marketing opportunity." For a preview of the spots, click here and search for "Powerful Force."
These campaign kits will be available, free of charge, in the Public Relations Division's office at National Convention in Milwaukee. They can also be requested from National Headquarters, at (317) 630-1253 or Additional PSAs, for both TV and radio, are also available from PR.
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