November 18, 2020

Tango Alpha Lima pages Dr. Jones

By The American Legion

Navy veteran Kermit Jones joins The American Legion’s weekly podcast to talk about beating the coronavirus and an inspiring Medal of Honor recipient from his hometown.

A doctor who serves underserved communities and dispenses practical advice about the coronavirus is this week’s special guest on The American Legion’s Tango Alpha Lima podcast.

Dr. Kermit Jones is a primary care physician, lawyer and health care policy adviser. A member of The American Legion, he has also served as a White House fellow, working with health policy experts and educators on military medical issues.

“The American Legion has done such phenomenal things for veterans as a nonpartisan organization,” said Jones, a Navy veteran. “Reading the history of it, I wasn’t aware it was instrumental in getting the GI Bill passed. And it was instrumental in getting the Department of Veterans Affairs. Hats off to everyone who has dedicated their lives and careers to this organization and serving veterans.”

At the time of the recording, the coronavirus cases were starting to increase in rural areas like the Dakotas and Montana. “The advice that I would give to people is to take it seriously,” he said, also recommending that people talk to their health-care providers about getting the vaccine. “For us we are getting into a fatigue phase. We are also getting into winter when people are tired of not being able to go into restaurants or see their family. But the reality is that this thing can hit you pretty hard.”

Jones predicted that even with a February vaccine, it will be late in 2021 when enough people will be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity. He also addresses issues such as misconceptions and misinformation about COVID.

And don’t miss the South Haven, Mich., native reminiscing about one of his mentors, Medal of Honor recipient James McCloughan. “He’s one of the reasons I am having this conversation with you fine people today. He’s the reason I joined The American Legion.”

Download and listen to the new episode of Tango Alpha Lima, or watch the YouTube version, at

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