Stories you may have missed from this past week.
1. Legion post effectively uses customizable “Be the One” brochure
American Legion Frank Kresen Post 24 in Lake Geneva, Wis., hosted an American Legion Family Day event April 29. The community was invited to the post for a free lunch and to learn what the Legion Family does to support veterans, youth, their families and the community. This open house event included highlighting the Legion’s “Be the One” suicide prevention initiative. Post 24 downloaded a Be the One customizable brochure and personalized it to the local area by listing resources where veterans can get help. “It was very easy to do,” said Post Adjutant Bob Miller added. “The best part was us being able to localize it so we could specifically help veterans in our community.”
Download more resources: Other “Be the One” promotional materials are available on legion.org/betheone/resources such as wallet cards, posters, brochures and a sample press release.
2. Contact a Legion service officer for claims assistance
Veterans and their survivors have filed more than 500,000 claims for toxic exposure-related benefits under the PACT Act since President Biden signed it into law on August 10, 2022. To date, VA has awarded more than $1 billion in earned benefits to veterans and survivors who filed PACT Act-related claims. Accredited American Legion service officers stand ready to assist veterans with their PACT Act claims. “If you are unsure about your eligibility – some veterans exposed to burn-pit toxins think they are too young for VA care or benefits – I strongly urge you to locate a Legion service officer and investigate before important deadlines come and go,” said American Legion National Commander Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola.
File a claim: The American Legion has nearly 2,000 accredited veteran service officers who work benefits claims for disabled veterans and their families, free of charge. Find a service officer in your area here.
3. Register to ride for a great cause
Registration is now open for the 2023 American Legion Legacy Run – over 110 have already registered. The five-day, 1,100-mile ride will leave American Legion Post 6 in Kokomo, Ind., on Aug. 20 and travel through Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee before the final stop at the Hendrick Motorsports campus in Concord, N.C., on Aug. 24. The annual motorcycle ride raises funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance with college for children of U.S. military personnel killed while on active duty on or after Sept. 11, 2001, as well as for children of post-9/11 veterans with a combined disability rating of 50 percent or greater by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Last year’s ride raised a record $1,324,548 – the eighth time the Legacy Run has surpassed $1 million.
The impact: Since the Legacy Scholarship's first grant in 2004, more than 500 military children of the fallen and disabled have received over $4 million in aid. The 2023 American Legion Legacy Scholarship recipients will be announced during the Legion’s annual Spring Meetings, May 10-11.
4. Your Boys State, Girls State delegate may be eligible for this scholarship
Many American Legion Boys State and Auxiliary Girls State programs kick of this month. If your post is sponsoring a delegate to attend either program, please make them aware of the Samsung American Legion Scholarship. The scholarship is available for high school juniors who participate in the current session of Boys State or Girls State and are a direct descendant (or legally adopted child) of a U.S. military veteran. The Samsung American Legion Scholarship awards up to $10,000.
Go deeper: The American Legion provides a variety of scholarships to youth. Learn more here.
5. A prepared speech for your Memorial Day event
On May 29, the American Legion Family will honor the more than 1 million men and women who have lost their lives defending America since the Revolutionary War. If your post, district or department is hosting a Memorial Day event, a speech is available. As written in the speech, on Memorial Day “we are the living, and we are dedicated to continuing the work of those who have gone before us. We are dedicated to preserving the memory of our fallen heroes and declare our unending gratitude and support for their families.”
Share your event: Upload recaps and photos of your Legion Family Memorial Day celebrations to Legiontown.org.
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