August 20, 2015

Legacy Run kicks off Sunday

Legacy Run kicks off Sunday
Legacy Run kicks off Sunday

USAA-sponsored charity motorcycle ride goes from Indianapolis to Baltimore, raising scholarship money for the children of fallen servicemembers along the way.

The 10th annual American Legion Legacy Run heads out of Indianapolis this Sunday and will work its way to the Baltimore area over the course of four days.

Registration and a kick-off ceremony will take place Saturday at Kenneth N. Dowden Wayne Post 64 in Indianapolis. The ride departs Sunday morning; stops on this year’s ride include wreath-laying ceremonies, the Georgetown Veterans Home in Ohio, the Flight 93 Memorial in Pennsylvania and the Gettysburg area. A complete Ride guide is available here.

More than 600 participants have registered for the 2015 Legacy Run. Groupings for the Ride are available here.

The Legacy Run raises funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, which provides college scholarships for the children of U.S. servicemembers killed on active duty since 9/11.

In 2014, donations made on the floor of the 96th National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., raised the Legacy Run total past $1 million for the first time; more than $435,000 was raised during the ride itself. Together, the nine Legacy Runs have raised more than $5 million for the fund, with each surpassing the previous year’s total.

  • Riders